00 | heartbreak

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"Lets break up."

It only took three words to make his heart shatter into a million pieces. There was a part of him that couldn't blame you, it was his fault to start with. It was his fault for not becoming your ideal man, for not being able to make you happy. Yet, he didn't want things to end so abruptly. Because even if you may not love him anymore, he's still in love with you.

"(F/n), please." He pleaded, "I love you."

You only looked at him with a pained expression and teary eyes, "It's not going to work out. You're always talking about suicide, you flirt with other women. I'm always busy with stuff and I'm also not very experienced with love so I can't satisfy you and..." It was true, but there was more than just those reasons. Your parents were agaisnt the idea of you two being together, they're not very fond of Dazai.

It was even worse when he heard you will be moving to another town, you wouldn't be able to see him often.

"Sometimes I don't even think we're fit for each other. I'm just tired. This is for the best, Dazai-kun." Was all you said before slamming the door shut, leaving him there heart broken.

After this incident, he couldn't concentrate with work. He thought about you day and night, and when you thought you had cut ties with him, you were wrong.

Every now and then he'd check his phone to see if he has a message from you, none. The only way to know of your whereabouts was through social media, you were unaware all this time he's been stalking you. Some would say he just had a hard time moving on, but his feeling for you are just too strong. It is something much deeper than love. Even he couldn't describe this feeling or more like, desires.

He's not crazy,

Nor lovestruck.

He's simply insane for you. No one will get in his way. He'll make you his, even if he has to use force.

infatuated ➾ yandere!osamu dazaiWhere stories live. Discover now