01 | fate

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i'll be changing my writing to a third person point of view for this story xD


2 hours. Its been exactly 2 hours when he started searching the neighborhood, trying to find the house that matched with the picture and description given to him by friend.

It was a rather big neighborhood, streets were long stretched, with fair-size houses built of sandstone and wood.

Snow was piled up everywhere, streets, rooftops and trees. It made it much more difficult to navigate the maze like streets, the snow that was piled up in the rooftops looked like fluffy cotton balls. Which made the houses look very similar to each other.

The young man shivered and rubbed the sides of his arms, burying his face deeper into his scarf. He didn't like winter, how he had to wear many layers of clothing just to keep warm. He couldn't bear the cold.

Even so, he just wanted to find her.

He needed to see her.

"Excuse me, do you know anyone named (F/n)  (L/n)? She supposedly lives here." he'd ask from time to time, with every stranger passing by.

Their response being:

"Sorry, I don't know who she is."

"(F/n)? I think she lives a few blocks away."

"I'm not familiar with this place."

He was already getting very impatient and annoyed, but tried to keep his cool.

He gave out a long sigh, walking further carrying his disappointment with him.


Did the shopping district had this many people before?

Dazai decided to quit what he was doing and visit the shopping district. To his surprise, the ghost-like street from just a few days ago was packed and bustled with people.

It must have been the power of the holidays, everything was on sale which explains why.

He walked through the crowd feeling the familiar loneliness and emptiness fill his heart. 

Amidst the crowd, he caught the glimpse of a girl, even with the hundreds of people present.

At that moment he knew it was her.

He knew. How could he forget what she, his beloved, looked like.

It must have been fate for him.

"Wait!" Dazai grabbed the girl just before he could lose sight of her.

The woman turned around, eyes slowly widening as she came to a realization.



Merry Christmas everyone! Remember to spread the love and joy and I hope you guys had a great day. Sorry if I still haven't updated my one-shot book in forever 😅 I'm just really stumped right now.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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