Allô mon amour

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This one is also from my french class... I did with my friend so half of it belongs to her.... So this one what we did is open the dictionary on a random page of some letter and tried to find a verb, adverb and noun to make a coherent sentenc-ish thing while using the weirdest words we could find... So have fun decoding it.... I highly recommend it to people who are expert in french language or else you won't understand 99% of this small yet complex poem... Just wanted to share our fun and cretive making... Please comment, likes or dislikes !! XD EVERYTHING IS APPRECIATED !

Allô mon amour,

Mon ivoire belliqueux comme une benzédrine,

Mon déroctage dérogatoire de derme,

Mon elzévir equipotentiellement eluvial,

Mon froufrou froufroutement froufroutant,

Mon hafnium heimatlos hébéphrénique,

Mon kamikaze kapokier kabbalistique,

Mon navarin naupathiquement naufrage,

Mon petit ouistiti wisigothique,

Mon porte-poussière possédée par la popeline,

Mon tylenchus typographiquement tyrolien,

Ma walkyrie au waterzoi wurmienne,

Ma zeuzère zézaiement zincifère, 

Je t’aime affolement, infiniment, fabuleusement, plantureusement, incroyablement, extraordinairement, extrêmement, terriblement, excessivement, démesurément …

-~-~-Lovely--Love et Spandana Veeravalli-~-~-

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