So.... this is a so-so english version of "Chaque instant je m'atténue". Because it's pretty much of a translation, I didn't keep any rhymes or whatsoever, only the theme of depression is aborded in here. (it's for comprehension nothing else)
Every moment I reduce myself
Depression had always haunted my house
Imagine that the problems did not begin now
Only that my world is now visible
Bullying, divorce, betrayal
They were always there ...
I see only shadows
I' drowning in black, I'm confused, I no longer eat
Every moment I reduce myself
Cloistered like a beast behind glass
As in a zoo people pay to see me wither
Sadness binds me as a martyr
Let me leave from this miserable place
The end does she approach
I'm drowning in the ocean
All around me, I see the world smiling
But no one is there for me
You know, my friends finds me sullen as they can be
Nine different tablets daily about0
Don't you find it a little too big of a number, no?
I am alone today, I think I have anorexia
What to do with all this?
The fog is everywhere Scrooge despair
The fog follows me everywhere Scrooge of my despair
I'm tired of submerging in pain
I am so depressed that I don't know anymore what is happiness
I am jealous of you who can smile
While for another, it's a hell of job
There's nothing worse
I see only shadows
I' drowning in black, I'm confused, I no longer eat
Every moment I reduce myself
Nothing is important, everything becomes insignificant
For a moment, I just want to fall into oblivion
During my previous life, my days were full
Currently, I only live in sorrow
But everything will stop because I'm falling into the void. Farewell.
PoetryA bunch of french peom/song that I wrote most of them were for my french classes.... Un paquer the poeme/chanson en francais que j'ai ecrite... La plupart c'etait pour le cours de francais en general....