Ziall Zoo
*Nialls POV*
"ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYNNNNNN when are we going to get there?" I moaned playfully into my boyfriend, Zayn Maliks, shoulder.
"Soon, baby, soon" he replied gently. It was my 22nd birthday, also mine and Zayns 3rd anniversary and he decided to blindfold me and shock me with a "surprise date"
I didn't fully understand the point of this, Zayn could make anything enjoyable, just by being his perfect self. He didn't need to go over the moon for this silly occasion. After all, there would be another September 13th next year, and the year after that, and the year after that. Why was this specific September 13th so important? I was planning on spending all the rest of the September 13th's with him.
Eventually, the car slowed down to a stop and I heard Zayn leave the car. I only sat there in confusion, debating whether to peek or not for mere seconds before he came around to my side and opened the door, lending me a hand to help me out of the car without falling on my arse.
Once I was stable, I took a deep breath and immediately regretted it.
"Awe, Zayn, man, where'd you take me? To a public restroom?" I heard the throaty chuckle as he walked behind me and started untying the cloth that was wrapped around my face. I started bouncing, excited to see where this lovely lad was taking me.
"Ni, stay still! I can't untie this with you bouncing around" I giggled to myself and heard him chuckle too.
"Sorry babe" I said, trying to contain my excitement.
I had spent almost the entire morning to perfect
my hair. After all, Zayn has flawless hair, he needs some competition. It took me about three hours (which was a big portion of my time considering I only woke up at around 4pm to Liam yelling at me [not the best wake up] and our date was at 8pm) then this stupid headband thing TOTALLY flattened it out. Maybe that was Zayns master plan all along...
"Open your eyes" he whispered seductively while kissing my collarbone. I slowly opened my eyes and took a sharp intake of breath as I took in my surroundings. We were at the zoo, which was normally very crowded, but for us, it was emptied out. To get to the animals, you had to cross over a bridge, and Zayn had covered it with candles and in the water were floating lanterns, dancing above the surface of the water.
"What are we waiting for?" asked Zayn cheekily and he pulled my hand and we started skipping and galloping across the park like three year olds.
We saw monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, heck, we saw EVERYTHING! Suddenly, we reached the end of the last path. I sighed, it had to be close to midnight by now, but I really didn't want this night to end.
We took the shortcut out to the bridge when Zayn grabbed my wrist and spun me around. We both slung our arms loosely around each others waists' and pressed our chests against one another's.
"Thank you for the most perfect birthday/anniversary/night ever" I whispered to him and he grinned. We leaned our foreheads against one another's, just appreciating each others company.
"Niall, I love you" Zayn whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered back "Why are we whispering, we're all alone" I hypocritically whispered back.
"I don't know" he responded with a grin "It makes the mood sexier" he stated but continued whispering. I giggled quietly when suddenly, my chest was cold, as the perfect boy that was once in front of me was kneeling on the ground before my feet.
"Niall, I love you" he said, using his regular talking voice. "I love everything about you. I love your laugh, your snarl, your grin. I love your Irish charm and the way you can make anyone fall in love with you in an instant. I love the way you make me feel, the butterflies you put in my chest. I love those silent, appreciative moments in each others arms, just soaking up each others presence. I love the way you can't think straight and the only thought on your mind is food when you wake up. I love how you don't know you're perfect so I have the chance to tell you how amazingly flawless you truly are every second of every day and I hope you give me the opportunity to continue to tell you. Basically Niall, I love you! The real you, not the stage you. The innocent brunette rooted blond that preformed to Katy Perry when he was sixteen. Niall, will you marry me?"
I hadn't noticed the happy tears streaming down my face and all I could do was nod and throw myself at him in a passionate kiss. Little did I know that he was kneeling fairly close to the edge of the bridge and we both toppled into the dark water.
When we came up for air, we were both choking on laughter.
I adored moments like this with my boyfriend, scratch that, my fiancé...
Hey There Guys! Sorry I Haven't Updated, My Summer Has Been CRAZY So Far! How's Yours Been? It's Currently The Middle Of The Night And I'm In A Hotel Room With My Sleeping Family, But I'm Still Uploading(; So Guys, Lots Of You Wanted Me To Continue And Elaborate On The "Ziam" One Shot, But It Is A One Shot, I Might Consider Doing A Novel Type Thing On It Later, But Not At The Moment. But Some Of You Guys Asked Me To Do A Whole Big Long Story, But I Don't Know If Anyone Would Read It, And I'd Need Constant Comments To Keep Me Interested (I Loose Interest FAST) But Yeah, You Guys Can Leave Me Sone Ideas In The Comments As To Which Bromance And Maybe Some Ideas Of Things You'd Like To Hear About In It! Just, Let Me Know If Y'all Want It(: Sorry I Haven't Updated In A While, But I Do Have A Long Boring Excuse, Scroll To Hear My Sob Story...
Wow, You Actually Want To Read This...? Whatever. Basically, I Was In A Relationship With This Guy Who Hated One Direction, My Fangirl Side, Basically Everything (Including My Male Friends) That Involved Guys That Weren't Him. He Was Slowly Trapping Me And I Didn't Even Realize It Till It Was To Late. Then, I Figured Out He Was Calling Me Fat, Ugly, Overdramatic, Drama Queen, Likes Fighting With People Etc Etc. And Yeah, I Kind Of Know I'm All That, I Didn't See Why He Had To Bring It Up Though. Then, I Grew Myself Some Balls {I Never Understood That Saying, Balls Are Weak And Vulnerable} Scratch That Last Part, I Grew A Vagina And Broke Up With Him And Came Back Into My Little Shell Of No Social Life. When I Was With Him You Guys Have No Idea How Many Times I Listened To WMYB Trying To Boost My Self Confidence :P So Yeah, Decent Excuse? But There's A Tidbit On Me, Goodnight Guys
-Haley xo.