This'll be Fun

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Tom's POV

When we got into our classroom. The first thing I ever saw was that god forsaken, devil-horned communist.

Todd Lennox

I growled lowly under my breath, and turn away from his direction. It's bad enough that I get to sit beside him anyways!

Edd taps my shoulder and I turn towards him, he gestures for me to sit and I groaned. I walked towards my seat, Todd looking at me, grinning. I set down my bag, and I sunk into my wooden seat. I was bored so I was playing with my black manicured nails. Some people pick on me for it, saying it's a 'woman's thing'. Which is absolute bullshit.

"Well well well, would'ya look what the cat dragged in." Todd comments, with a shit-eating smirk. If only I could bitch slap him right here and now that would be fan-fucking-tastic.

"Shut the fuck up, hentai-loving whore." I shot at him. Even though I was pretty proud of that insult. He didn't even look taken aback. Only what he did was look towards the blackboard and sighs on content.

"So, how is it with your Tord obsession, Jehovah?" He looks at me from the corner of his eye, smirking again.

I sat there blushing madly, looking dumbfounded on to why he would say that. Heck, it's not an obsession goddamnit!... I think. I just really love that guy!... and how he hits the ball is really ho- STOP THINKING LIKE THAT THOMAS!

Todd chuckled from my immediate silence, and he waves his hand infront of my face, "Hellooo, earth to, pineapple boy!" He exclaims, chuckling silently. I snap back to reality and shake my head. I smack his hand away infront of my face and cross my arms, I sunk even lower to my seat and pout. He giggled before waiting for the teacher to come. Jeez, why is the teacher so late!?

"Got ya there didn't I?" He says, wiping his glasses with a red cloth from out of nowhere. "Whatever." I sighed.

The teacher finally comes in, walking to his desk, setting his papers about our entry exam. He clears his throat and it got all of the students attention, "Alright Class, settle down. Now we'll have to get out the results for our entry exam." Figures. "Good luck to all of you." He sits down his seat and gestures a student to go and return the papers. Most likely, a teacher's pet.

"Jeremy?" He calls out, and a raven-haired boy comes out of his seat and collects the papers. Later on, returning the papers to their respective owners.

As soon as I saw my own paper flowing to my desk, I picked it up and I fist-bumped the air from my score. "A-". Perfect. Looks like I'm going into this school.

I glanced over to Edd and Matt, and I gave them a look of 'Did-you-get-in?" Kind of one. They warmly smiled and nodded happily. I smiled back and looked back at the blackboard. Even though I kept my face stoic, I was happily celebrating mentally.

"Pssssst." Todd calls out from beside me. I glanced at him, and he shows me his score. "C+". It was enough to get him into the year. I groaned and he was chuckling.

"Looks like we're stuck together, Thomas. This'll be fun." He grins widely and goes back to whatever the fuck he was doing. Seeing as though that I'm stuck with this communist bastard makes my blood boil. But I still kept my face stoic and didn't say anything in return.

Yep. 'Fun' is the word. I can't wait for this endless suffering to end.

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