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Picture of Notte.


Skylar POV

I woke up to the light of the sun gently warming me, when I opened my eyes I was shocked to see that everything was so much clearer, the colors were more vivid, I could see every inch of the cave perfectly and every little insects on the ground and walls. But that's not the only thing I could hear them perfectly too if I concentrated on the small spider walking I could hear it, and my smell is enhanced even more than before.

When I got to stand up I noticed that I was on four legs, more precisely four paws with fur black as midnight, that's when everything clicked. I shifted in my wolf and I must have passed out exhausted by all the pain of the shifting process.

"Hey! why don't you go see yourself on the water so you could have a nice idea of what we look like?" Notte suggested and I was more than happy to See my wolf.

I was big like an Alpha, my fur was black with pecks of gold here and there that seemed like a starry night, my eyes were a mix of gold and silver and that was strange because normally you keep the color of your human eyes even in wolf form but I didn't care we were beautiful and I loved my wolf form.

"Let's go run so you could also be used to walking and running in wolf form"

I exited the cave and gave Notte control, she stretched her body at first and then sprinted through the  trees, she was so much happy and running made her feel free.

I loved the feeling of the wind on our fur, Notte was as fast as a bullet I barely felt our paws connecting to the ground it was like we were flying.

After running some more and eating something we came back to the waterfall and Notte gave me back control.

"How do I go back to human form?"

"Just imagine yourself as human. How you look like, your hair, yours eyes, everything about you"

I closed my eyes and did what she told me, I felt my bones changing but it wasn't painful. I opened my eyes and looked down at my body and I was shocked not because I was completely naked but because all the scars disappeared as if they have never existed in the first place, I felt my self smiling in happiness because now I could look in the mirror without remembering what they did to me.

While inspecting my body something caught my eyes, it was a tattoo on my wrist, a tattoo that wasn't there before but it was beautiful it was of a wolf howling to a Crescent moon and it was all in silver.

"I love our tattoo"

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"I love our tattoo"

"Me too, Notte"

I looked inside the cave for my clothes and they noticed they were torn apart from the shifting. 'Great now I don't have anything to wear, note the sarcasm, if only I have some jeans and a shirt' the moment I finished my thought some black tight jeans and white T-shirt with lucky girl written in gold.

"What the ..? How is that...? This is...." I was so much shocked that I couldn't even end my sentences.

"Well this is really shocking I didn't know we could do that"

"Me neither. I haven't heard of werewolves with this ability but I am not complaining better than walking in the forest naked"

"Who knows maybe we have other abilities, first the tattoo then the clothes"

"Maybe, we could search somewhere to find what all of this mean and we could also discover what else we can do ..."

Our conversation was interrupted by a little boy scream.

"We should go see what's happening, maybe someone is in danger"

Running toward the sound of the cries I could feel 5 presences.

"Mask your scent so they won't feel you"

"And how do I do that?"

"Imagine not having a scent"

I masked my scent and kept going, when I was closer I hided my self behind a tree.
There were two little kids crying and hugging them selves, they seemed to be 4 and 5 years old, it was obvious that they were terrified.
Snarling and growling at them were three rogues with red eyes who looked at the children like some preys.

Something inside me awakened, I wanted to kill those rogues for even thinking of hurting those poor little pups. Without realizing it I shifted in my wolf and jumped in front of the children protecting them and let out a strong growl.

The rogues were shocked and I could see a hint of fear in their eyes but they quickly recovered and snarled at me with anger. They went to attack me but I was faster and I jumped on one of them and bit on his neck killing him instantly.
One of the two left tried to attack me but I dodged him and kicked him sending him to bump on a tree, while the third one was distracted looking at his friend I quickly attacked him and killed him.
I approached the second one who was still lying on the ground, when I was a bit near him he attacked me biting my left paw taking me by surprise, I raised my right paw and hit him full force making him release my left paw then I extended my claws and clawed him hitting an artery and he soon died by losing to much blood.

I shifted back fully clothed, turned to the kids and told them "don't be afraid, you can open your eyes now they are gone and they won't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you"

The older one opened his eyes and looked at me with teary eyes and asked me "A-Are they really g-gone?? T-they really won't hurt me or Lisa??" Oww poor baby he was so terrified it made me want to hug him but I stopped my self because I was a stranger to them.

"No they won't hurt you, you are safe now. By the way my name is Skylar but you can call me Sky. What is yours??" I asked them trying to make them forget what happened.

They got up holding hands and the boy started introducing himself "my name is Cody and I am 5 years old" he was so cute with curly blond hair and baby blue eyes and he had dimples OMG he had the cutest dimples ever!!

"My name is Lisa and I am foul yeals old" the little girl said lifting 4 fingers when she said her age. She was adorable. She had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

"And what were you doing alone in the middle of the forest?"

"We were playing hide and seek but we got to far from the pack house, we didn't realise it until those rogues came out of nowhere. We were so scared but then you came and saved us. Thank you" Cody was smart for his age.

Before I could ask them from witch pack they came from I could hear wolves running coming toward us. I took a protective stance in front of Cody and Lisa and waited for what was coming.

Suddenly three wolves  appeared in front of us, in the middle was a brown wolf and green eyes with power coming from him but not much as an Alpha power so he must be a beta, on his left side was a white gray wolf with blue eyes and on his right side was another gray wolf but with hazel eyes.

They went behind the trees and when they come back they were in human form fully clothed thank God.

"PAPAAAA" shouted Lisa then run to the beta who picked her up and hugged her. He then looked at me with a hard look and asked me "what are you doing on our land rogue?!!"

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