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Percy POV
I was sitting with Hazel, Jason, Nico, and Thalia. Jason and Hazel were staying here for a few days and the hunt was here for something they won't say. We were laughing and playing around when we heard a scream. Immediately I ran, riptide already out. We reached the pine tree and there was a boy. He looked around fifteen with dark brown hair and ever changing eyes. I charged at the monster that turned out to be the Minotaur and decimated it easily.

The boy, who was cowering behind a bush ran up to me, "Thank you!" He wrapped his tiny self around me and I awkwardly patted his back. "My name is Noah-James." He let me go and held his hand out. "My mom was recently taken away and she told me to come here. But when I did that thing started running at me. If it wasn't for you I would be dead. Thank you." He smiled genuinely and I returned it.

"Well, Noah-James. Welcome to camp half blood." Above his head, a pink dove showed and his clothes changed. Much like Pipers did as I was told. He was in some dark fitting blue jeans and had a dark maroon shirt.

"Aphrodite?" He questioned.

Chiron rode up and bowed his head, "All hail, Noah-James, son of Aphrodite." We bowed our heads the same way and he blushed.

"My names Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon." His eyes lit up as soon as I spoke.

"No way! Isn't Poseidon the most powerful god? Can you control water? Can you talk to fish! Or horses!" He spewed question after question and seemed to talk faster than Leo.

I heard someone snicker behind me, "Come on Noah-James. I'll introduce you to the rest of our siblings." Piper walked up and he continued to ask so many questions. I chuckled as Piper charmspeaked him into silence.

Jason came up and slapped me on the back, "Looks like you get to train a new camper."

I groaned, "Fine."

I started to walk towards my cabin when Thalia called out, "Can we still over there!" I nodded knowing what she meant. Chiron knew they got out of their cabins and snuck into mine but he lets us.

Annabeth stopped me, "What does that mean! It doesn't make grammatical sense or logical sense. And you and the rest of the little big three say it a lot."

I chuckled and kissed her head, "It's a code. Can't tell anymore." She smiled and let it slide. I opened my cabin and gathered any clothes off the floor and threw away trash from the other night. I gathered some food that I 'gathered' from the kitchens. I set out popcorn and other junk food. And some cereals, Hazel likes to eat them dry. Which is good. I grabbed some waters and set them out also and then I headed to my bathroom.

I set new clothes out and then stripped my dirty ones. I quickly showered and dried off. I noticed a stain on my shirt so I walked out to get a new one. I knew Hazel, Jason, Nico, and Thalia were there but I didn't expect Noah-James. I blushed and so did he and everyone else laughed. I glared and rushed to put a shirt on. "Um, I came to thank you. I don't think I did earlier."

I tilted my head, "You did."

His face became darker, "S-Sorry. I have sho-short term memory loss."

I smiled a little, "Just like Dory!" Nico rolled his eyes.

Noah-James however lit up, "Yeah!"

I laughed, "Well, no problem. I'll probably start training you tomorrow depending on your schedule."

He smiled, "Your a teacher here?"

I nodded, "Trainer but same thing."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, um, I'll go so you can do whatever. Good night." He waved to everyone and walked out.

I chuckled, "He'll be interesting. I'm excited." I shrugged and grabbed a water.

"He likes you." Jason stated and I almost choked.

"What?" I wiped my mouth and Hazel laughed.

"It's obvious." Nico nodded.

"Well, if he does, don't tease him. He's nice and I'm excited to get to know him. I don't mind if anyone likes me really as long they don't push themselves on or try and get between my relationship."

Thalia rolled her eyes, "Always the gentlemen."

I shrugged, "It helps." We all agreed as I am friends with Artemis who hates men, friends with Hades, who hates people and friends with Dionysus, who hates demigods.

"Well, what are we doing tonight?" Nico sat on the couch and I took a chair. Jason sat by Nico and Hazel and Thalia took the loveseat.

"Well, actually I wanted to talk to y'all about something." I fiddled with the water in my hands, "Down...there, I learned I can control poison. And well, a person. I've tried it out and I can control anything with any trace of water." Jason immediately became intrigued as did Hazel. Nico and Thalia looked a little confused.

"Look." I concentrated and controlled Nico and Thalia's arms and hands to give each other a high five. They gasped and became interested, "If I can do that, then Nico, you can take a life or save a life. Hazel, you can control metals to move, not just disappear. Jason, you can create storms and tornadoes. Thalia, you could decimate cities with lightning. Now, my examples are terrible but you could. We can practice them and use them for good."

Everyone agreed and we moved furniture and I willed water to make a barrier around my cabin. Jason concentrated in front of him and moved his hands a little. In no time, there was a mini tornado. Thalia concentrated and destroyed my table with a promise to get me a new one. Nico, concentrated and I started to move. He made me do some ridiculous things that resulted in a kick to the groin by Thalia.

Hazel was a bit scared, "Hazel, it's okay. Here." I brought out riptide and held it on front of me, "Wield it." She gasped at my confidence in her but concentrated. Soon, my sword started to rise and then moved to be at my neck. I smiled and she laughed. She started to move it around and swing it.

"Riptide is very well balanced." I chuckled and she placed riptide back in my hands.

"Now, we can be done for now because holding the barrier took a lot out of me." They nodded and I turned the monster proof tv on.

We sat on the couch, buried with blankets watching old tv shows. Eventually, we all pretty much passed out.


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