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Percy POV
After finally composing ourselves, I had to go. My mom didn't want to hear the whole detailed story. She was okay with not knowing. I said my goodbye and a promise to come and visit as much as I could. With parting hugs, I teleported away.

I was back at the camp. Demigods started cheering and yelling at my arrival. I blushed as my friends came up. "To Percy, who won this battle, this war for us. To our friends, our new love, and my son." Chiron spoke proudly and I smiled. "Thank you, but, I couldn't have done it without all of you. You all fought the monsters. To our victory. To a war we won together." Cheers sounded and I wrapped my arm around Chiron's shoulders.

Hazel wrapped her arms on my side and the rest of them stood beside her. Once the cheers settled everyone got back to their tasks of mending people.

"Hey Sea Mist!" I grinned devilishly and ran towards Lukas. "Flower!" I picked him up and spun. "Hey! I need my manhood thank you!" I laughed and set him down, "Didn't know you had one Rapunzle." He glared.

"What?" Thalia was very intrigued and he hit me in the stomach. "No, ow. That was where he stabbed me." I complained.

"Good." He glared hard before humming. His hair lit up slightly. "It does absolutely nothing. Just glows."

Laughter followed. "Jerks." He mumbled. "Don't worry Flower, we still care." I said in a baby voice before pulling him in for a hug. He grumbled and pushed back. "I actually was told to tell you that Mr.D needs you." I nodded.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." He nodded and walked off. I told my friends that I would be right back and I left to find Mr. D.

He was out in the strawberry fields. "Mr. D?"

He made no move to let me know he noticed me. He simply kept staring. "Percy, this is the same field Castor tended. Did you know that?" I stood next the mourning god.

"No, I didn't." I muttered. Castor told me many things but where he tended wasn't one of those things. Pollux was now his only child. "Well, you do now. Castor told me he would give me something after he died. He told me to give it to you when he would see me again.

"I never believed I would see him again but here I am, giving you what he gave me no more than twelve hours ago." He handed me a small box. I stared curiously. "He knew he was going to die?" Dionysus nodded.

"He knew he would eventually. Not when or how. But, go ahead and open it." His voice wavered but he cleared his throat. I opened the lid and saw my camp necklace. I stared in wonder.

"H-How did he get this?"

I was mad. The day I got rid of it was the day I missed my home. Never once had I missed being here but I did only one day. I threw the necklace away. I tossed it into the lake on planet Dexia.

I carefully touched the beads. There were five new ones. There were my seven. Then, the next one was my power mixing with Thalia's, Jason's, Nico's, and Hazels power. The detail was incredible. This I knew was for the war. Names surrounded the entire bead.

The ninth was myself with chains. Lightning strikes surrounded me along with black shadows. The big three symbols were etched below me, but each seemed to have a crack through it.

The tenth was a black and white wolf. Half of the wolf had Amaroks blood red eyes, and the other half had Asenas calming blue. The eleventh was the names of the other big three children who were killed along with their symbol. The twelfth was split. One side had me with my wings in battle. The other side had a multiple silhouettes. They overlapped each other with different shapes. I figured it was for us missing.

The thirteenth was myself facing the camp. Half of my face was visible. My eyes glowed on the wood. This was the most recent. The detail on each bead blew me away. He had very careful carved each curve, each strike, and each line.

"Castor was different. But I had loved him. He had ways of getting things that no one could get. Theres no point in asking how he got it because I don't know. But, I want to give you this." I looked back up at the camp director.

In his hands was a different necklace. This one had vines and thorns. "It was Castors. He used it to help concentrate his power. Now I want you to have it." I smiled and gratefully took it.

I never had much use to grow vines but I never thought I did. I'll use it now. "Thank you. For both gifts." The god scoffed, "Your welcome. Now, go away before I decide I want them back." I chuckled.

"Same old Mr. D." I turned to leave but a hand stopped me, "Thank you Percy. For everything." I smiled and he returned it. I walked back to my group and put the necklaces on. No one said anything about either one. They noticed just like I noticed their own necklaces.

Jason had one with a heart. Nico had one with the sun. Hazel had one with a spear and arrow crossing. Thalia had a moon. We all had the camp one.

"Percy!" I turned at the small voice. I broke into a smile as I saw Noah-James walk up with his sister. "Percy!" She held her hands out for me. I took her carefully and set her in my lap.

"Save brother! You! And world! Yay Percy!" She clapped her hands and bounced up and down. I smiled and laughed with everyone. Selena had no idea why we were laughing but laughed with us.

"Yay Percy!" She exclaimed. Everyone then repeated. "Yay Percy!" Glasses went up and cheers sounded. We danced and sang all night. We sat around the campfire and told stories. Sad, happy, scary, or funny ones. Piper kissed Jason. Hazel kissed Frank. I kissed Noah-James. Nico kissed Will.

All in all, we had fun. Annabeth was good. I was good.

I found someone I really and truly love. Jason and Hazel found the ones they've always loved. The camp was safe. Demigods could live without fear of monsters for a while. Everything was good.

All until the next war.

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