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Percy POV
I fell with a thud and multiple 'ows' followed. Annabeth was currently standing in my doorway with her arms crossed in front of her. I smiled sheepishly and we all untangled ourselves, "It's noon. Percy, you've got training and Hazel you have to clean. For the rest of you your schedules haven't changed."

Her eyes were hard and I groaned, "This is bad. I've done something or better yet, haven't done something and now she's mad."

Thalia patted my back, "Perce, I don't think your relationship with her is healthy any more. There was a lot of love between you two and now it seems one sided."

I bit my lip, "I know. I just can't bring myself to cut her off."

Jason grabbed my face, "Percy, you need to leave her. She's become very controlling and it's taking a toll on you." He released my face and I nodded.

"Next time I see her I will. I promise." They smiled at me and we got dressed. The girls got the bathroom and we got the den. They've gotten to the point to where they leave clothes here all the time.

"Come on." I grumbled as the sun blinded me. I headed to the arena and everyone else headed to their task. Once at the big training area, Noah-James bounded up.

"Afternoon!" I smiled in return to his and continued.

"Ready to train?" I ran my hands through my hair in an attempt to comb it down some.

He pumped a fist in the air, "Yeah!" I chuckled and we went over to a clear spot. Two of Ares' daughters came up and one son of Nemesis came up.

"Alright, everyone introduce yourselves. Nicely." I directed my eyes to the Ares kids and they glared.

Diana and Willow practically growled and Gally shook Noah-James' hand. After they were introduced I placed Gally with Diana and Willow with Noah-James.

"Okay, were going to work on defense." They all got into what they thought was a good defense stance and I walked around. "Diana, here. Make your body loose. Move your left here so you can step there. Hold you spear out like this." I moved her body to accommodate a reasonable defensive pose. I nodded to Gally and went over to Willow, "Good work on your placing your feet. Move your wrists lower so you can swing faster." She did so and I moved to Noah-James.

"Move you feet like this. And have your hands around the sword like this. Hold your shoulders up and stay loose." He moved easily and I stood in front of them. "Good, now, defend!" I swung riptide out and they jumped at my sudden move. Gally composed himself first and my sword clashed with his dagger. Diana ran at me and I simply tripped her. Willow stayed and Gally continued to block me. I switched it up and swung down instead of to the right. I caught him by surprise and he fell. Willow readied herself and charged. I couldn't trip her like I did Diana so I stuck with offense. She parried each strike and then made her own move.

I blocked easily and moved my sword in a circle and had her at her neck. She accepted defeat and I turned to face Noah-James. He closed his mouth and stood the way I had him. I brought down my sword and he rolled. Not expecting it, I stumbled. He took his chance and tried to come back. I stood quickly and parried. He swung to the left and I blocked. He kicked my feet out from under and swung his sword. Catching my side in the process and he had his sword at my neck. The whole arena stopped.

I looked up and he was very surprised. "I have no idea what I just did."

I chuckled and took Gallys offered hand, "You just took down Percy! He's the greatest swordsman ever to live!" Willow cried out.

"Good job. We've been working with him for months and can't even scratch him. Not only do you do that, you defeated him." Diana was glaring daggers at the unaware boy.

Noah-James gasped and swung his head around, "I cut you!" He ran over and checked my side. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Look, it's okay. I'll live. Besides, you'll have to get used to hurting someone. Or something. You'll face monsters like the one that chased you every day." His eyebrows furrowed in guilt.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to the Apollo camper. I gratefully took the ambrosia and nectar. "What's that?" He quickly got over it and his eyes lit up again.

"Ambrosia and Nectar. You'll learn about it in your next class." I nodded in dismissal and they all turned and headed to their classes.

I felt someone beside me, "That boy is crushing on you so hard." Piper smirked.

"I figured." She patted my shoulder and left. I groaned and looked down at my side. I frowned as it had not healed.

I headed over to the infirmary and I was sat down. "What kind of sword was he using?" I shrugged, "I wasn't there when he got it." The Apollo camper, Lukas, nodded and left. He talked to someone and then grabbed a few things, "Well, it doesn't need any stitches so I'll just clean it and bandage it. Then you can go but try not to open it again. It's not healing because I think he may have gotten a sword that blocks any healing with powers for anyone. Some swords can do that." I nodded and bit my lip as the disinfectant burned.


I gripped the bed as he wrapped it. The boy gave me a shy smile, "What?" I managed.

He just shrugged, "The great Percy Jackson just said ouch." He smirked and I made a face.

I shoved him slightly, "Whatever Flower." He glared at his nick name and I walked out. I walked over to the dining hall where lunch was. I offered half to my father and went to sit. Jason and Thalia were here. "How did training go?" Thalia tried to hold back laughter and Jason snickered.

Nico and Hazel sat and held an innocent face. "I was brought down by Noah-James." I said simply and they burst into laughter. I continued to eat and wait for them to calm down. They stopped abruptly and I turned to see a very angry Annabeth. "Hey." She sat down beside me, shoving Hazel in the process. Which I did not like.

"The stuff you were practicing last night can get you into a lot of trouble."

My face became hard, "Why were you out?"

She scoffed, "Why were they?" I saw Chiron glance towards us. "They're allowed. Chiron knows. You're not allowed. So why were you out?" Jason had reacted to me and Thalia to Jason.

"Don't do it again." She stood up and turned to leave but I stopped her. Nico muttered something under his breath and Annabeth whipped her head around, "What?" She said harshly.

I stood up, "Since when did you make my decisions?" The whole dining hall stopped.

"I always have. You're too much of an idiot for your own good."

She ripped her wrist out of my grasp, "Youre the idiot." My words were hard and my voice was like ice. The whole hall gasped as she turned to face me.

Her eyes were crazy and her voice was beyond angry as she half yelled, "What?" Jason and Thalia stood on my right, and Nico and Hazel stood on my left.

"You're the idiot if you think that I'll obey you. You're no higher than I am. We run the camp together so you can't make any decisions on whether or not I can practice something."

The temperature was dropping rapidly but I didn't notice, "Fine. Perseus Jackson, I challenge you. The winner runs the camp. The loser leaves." She held her dagger out, "No powers allowed." I smirked.

"Accepted. Meet me at the arena in an hour." I reached around her and grabbed her hat and threw it to Jason. I turned to my cabin and slammed the door. I finally noticed the ice forming in my cabin. I gasped and it immediately went away. The door burst open and Hazel ran at me. I was tackled by a shaking body.

"Percy!" I wrapped my arms around the tiny body.

"It's okay Hazel. I can beat her."

Jason shook his head, "She told the gods of what we're doing this morning. We've been called up to Olympus to face trial."

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