Author/Creator Note

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The teacher let us do whatever we wanted in math class, which was not a good idea for two idiot fifteen-year-olds.

So, that's where Ballwin Watterson the High Zombie came from. I guess? Because nobody knows how a zombie came from a unicorn and a fairy chicken who's constantly running from the KFC people.

Yeah, so I, the author (Laurelisboss) am just writing this straight from what grayshoes1 says. Literally everything she says. Every. Word. And. Sound.

So... yeah.

And now to grayshoes1!

There's nothing wrong with Ballwin, he's perfectly normal, he's just a little special. You can be different if you want to be different; don't let anyone tell you what to do.

Just don't smoke weed. Don't try this at home.


P.S.: Half of these are the product of side conversations. Yaaaay!

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