Getting Ready

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I got up from bed and started picking my outfit. I went with a white blouse, light blue skinny jeans with some sandals. I put a cardigan over the blouse. After that, I started on my makeup. I went casual for my makeup. Next, I went for my hair and all I did was beachy curls. To top my outfit I got a handbag.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast. But I looked at the clock and I was running late. On my way out, I said bye to my mom, and grabbed an apple and my car keys. I shut the door behind me and got in my car. As I was driving I turned my radio on and started listening to music. I was so into the music that I almost missed the entry to the school. I turned and parked my car and locked it. I got my phone, unlocked it, and started scrolling threw it. As I was walking towards the school I didn't see where I was looking and tripped. Before I could hit the ground strong arms caught me. I opened my eyes and saw blue eyes looking down at me.

"Hey Peggy"

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"Hey Peggy"

It was Steve. But this Steve was taller and stronger. "Steve?" I questioned. All he did was nod and smile. "What happened?" I asked, shocked by his transformation. "Bucky helped me get into shape" he answered. 'Thank you, Bucky' I thought. But I couldn't help thinking why he changed, "why did you change?" I asked. "I just didn't want to be picked on anymore, I figured if I got big people would treat me differently." I smiled at him "You didn't have to change, Buck and I always have you're back."

As I said that a happy Bucky came and threw both of his arms around me and Steve.

" Hey Pegs" Bucky greeted Peggy

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" Hey Pegs" Bucky greeted Peggy. Bucky looked the same. "Aww my two favorite people with me. Look at you guys." I said and cupped Bucky's face "So pretty," I said and he replied with an oh god.

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