Math class

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Bucky's POV

Steve and I were sitting in math class. Since it was the first day of senior year, we weren't doing anything in any of our classes. Steve and I were just talking. "Hey Steve, quick question?" I said. "What's up Buck," he replied. "When are you going to ask Peggy out?" I asked with a smirk. 

Steve was shocked for words. He was probably wondering how I found out. He tried to play it off, but he's my best friend and I know everything about him. "What do you mean?" he asked. "C'mon Steve, you've been having a crush on her since freshman year," I said with a little laugh.

Steve sighed, "Is it that obvious?" he asked. "Not really, I just know because I'm you're best friend" I replied. In all honesty, I think he and Peggy would make a cute couple. They're perfect for each other. "Just ask her out, I already know you're ship name, it's Steggy," I said teasing him.

" How about you huh?" he asked, "am I ever going to see you with a girlfriend?" he continued. Around this school, I have a reputation. People know that I don't get tied down. It's not that I don't want to. The thing is I haven't found the right one, it's also senior year.

I had a hard past with love. I would fall in love with a girl and it would just go wrong. After what happened with my last relationship, I promised myself I would never fall in love ever again. I know that sounds harsh, but if you just knew what happened you would understand.

What got me out of my thoughts was the bell. It was time to leave class and Steve and I headed to our next class. "Hey Buck you okay you kinda zoned out at the end of class," he asked. I replied, " yea I'm fine." Steve kinda knows my past relationships. Every time he asked me about the girl, I would just tell him she wasn't the right one. 

It's not just me who has bad luck with love, it's also my mom. Maybe I get it from her. My dad is barely in my life and that's okay because I just need my mom, she's the only woman in my life I care about, and Peggy too. 

But maybe there is a right one for me, guess I'll never know.

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