I'm Sorry | Peter Parker

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*Warning - I haven't seen Infinity War yet.... I've written this from spoilers (thx kid from ethics)*

The fight was over and the instant people started disappearing was the instant you started panicking. One after another.
You walk forward as each person starts disappearing. "y/n?" You hear from behind you.
Your head snaps and you see Peter fading away. "No this isn't happening." You speed over to him. "You can't leave me Peter! Please!"
"It's gonna be okay y/n/n. It'll all be okay. You'll figure this out." He kisses you, surprising you, but you kiss back none the less. Right then your father shows up.
"What's happening? Where's everyone?" Tony steps out of his suit and sees you crying as you hold a fading Peter. "Y/n? Peter?"
"I don't wanna go Mr. Stark."
"You're not going any were. We'll figure this out." Tony says, crying when he realizes that the boy who made his daughter happy, the one he considered a son was disappearing before his eyes. Once he was completely gone is when you actually cried. "Sweetheart--" Tony calmly says, pulling you into a hug.
"He's gone dad. I didn't even get to say goodbye." You cry into his chest.
You walked through the halls of Midtown, silent. Everyone knew Peter was dead. Memorials for him were set up all throughout the halls and you couldn't stand it. This school never liked him, they treated him terribly and only when he dies do they actually started caring. It made you sick.
"Hey y/n."
"Leave me alone Flash." You say finally getting your locker clear enough of presents and letters and photos to open it.
"You know that's a memorial right? Isn't it disrespectful to destroy a memorial?"
"You know Flash?" You slam your locker closed. "Sometimes you're a fucking idiot."
"What's gotten into you?"
"Uhm... I don't know.... maybe the fact that my boyfriend is dead and there is a reminder every 5 feet." You say. "Look I've had my time to grieve. Everyone else has too. So give it a rest and take these down." You walk away and into the cafeteria where Ned and Michelle sit.
"Hey y/n." They both say as you sit.
"Hey." You respond dropping your head onto the table.
"What's with you?" Ned asks.
"Flash being an ass." You groan.
"Hey do you wanna do a movie night tonight to lift your spirits? I know that was always fun." Ned suggests.
"Actually I'm taking over Stark Industries as CEO starting today. I'm going on independent study for the rest of the year." You explain, looking at your two friends.
"What?! Y/n it's senior year! You can't leave us!"
"No one's running the company and dad wants to keep it somewhat in the family. Since he won't do it I'm the only option left. Plus I need to think about my future. My plans with Pete can't go through now. I have another choice." You sigh. "I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna be late."
A few months after the incident with Flash you never turned up at that school again. The memorials were taken down for Peter. But the ones on the street for every Avenger lost, you had no control over that.
"I said no. That will tear this company down. Now don't come back with it, no matter how many times they insist it'll help." The assistant runs out of the conference room leaving you alone. You sigh leaning against the table.
"Who knew you could be so ruthless?" You turn to see your father standing in the doorway. "In fact I'm pretty sure that poor girl was crying."
"What are you doing here dad?" You ask, stacking the last of your papers and placing them in your arms.
"Came to check on my daughter as her father and not her boss. Maybe even get some lunch." You push your way past out the door and towards your office.
"Actually I already have lunch plans." You say, putting away the forms at your desk and filing cabinets.
"Who's more important than your own father?" Tony says sitting in one of the chairs before your desk.
You slam the papers on your desk before speaking. "If you must know! I'm going out with my boyfriend."
"Yes dad! Did you really expect me to spend the rest of my life mourning Peter's death?" You look at him and he just shrugs. "It's been a year Dad! A year! The fact that I moved on and found someone who makes me just as happy should make you happy."
"You don't look happy." He states.
"I'm at work. I'm stressed. If you were ever at the compound or even showed up to our dinner dates you would know how happy I am but your too worried about everything but your own daughter!" You exclaim.
"Hey babe! You ready to go?"
"Yea." You go to grab your purse and jacket when you hear your dad exclaim.
"Steve! Your new boyfriend is Capsicle!"
"Tony just calm down." Steve says.
"Calm down? Calm down?! My daughter goes from dating someone her age to dating an 80 year old man you looks like he's 20!" Tony shouts.
"That's enough!" Tony looks to you in shock. "If your not okay with it then leave. But I don't care what you have to say about who I date I'm 19 I can choose who I go out with." Your dad just stands there.
"You ready?" Steve asks holding his hand out for you to take.
"Yea, let's go." Steve guides you out of the building and to the car.
"You sure you wanna do this? You avoided it this long." Steve says as he climbs in to the driver's side.
"Exactly. It's been a year exactly today. I owe it to him to at least visit." You say you intertwine your hand with Steve's. "Plus you've been avoiding it too."
"Yea and you know why."
"Steve, Bucky was your best friend growing up. He protected you when you couldn't protect yourself. You haven't even talked about him since he died." You says softly running your thumb over the back of his hand. "Hell you even refused to have him featured in the memorial service."
"That's because I don't want to believe he's gone y/n."
"I know baby. But he is and we're just going to have to live with that." You say as Steve pulls into the parking lot of the graveyard. "Alright you grab the basket and I'll grab the blanket." You say as you both climb out.
After grabbing your items, you link your free hand with his. "You ready for this?" He asks.
"No. You?" You return.
"No." He sighs. "But it's gotta happen at some point."
You both walk straight to the area dedicated to your lost teammates stopping right before two specific ones placed right next to each other. "Hey boys." You say, setting down the blanket. "It's been awhile huh?" You look over at Peter's grave. It's the only one with a picture on the headstone. It was your senior homecoming picture. Of course the night ended quickly after your dad called you back because of Thanos but it was still one of the best night of your life. You start crying thinking of that night.
"Y/n-" Steve holds you in a hug as you cried. But all you could repeat is 'I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.' Just as you said at his funeral.
"Most people knew Peter as a friend, a son, a nephew, and a hero. Hell most of you knew him as Penis Parker. But I just knew him as my boyfriend. The person I could go to when I just needed to talk or whenever I need a hug. Or my dad just being an ass as per usual. But the loss of a friend or family member is the hardest of all. All Peter wanted to do was help people. And that what he did, in many different ways than what most people know. Uhm- I met Peter in 8th grade in Central Park. I choose to leave the private school Dad was sending me to and attend Midtown just after Peter asked me to go out with him. Peter had dealt with a lot of hardships before meeting me. The death of his parents is one. Peter was bullied a lot freshman year and I stood there by his side and kept his spirits up. The end of Freshman year is when the Sokovia Accords started getting up into action and the Avengers splitting in half. I had spent the whole time in and out of New York leaving Peter to deal with some hardships alone. For a short while. Peter's uncle, Ben, had died while I was in Berlin and when I found out I did my best to get there as soon as possible. But I wasn't there soon enough and Peter spent at least two days dealing with it on his own and I couldn't handle the pain I could see him going through when I got back. Peter gave up a lot of things throughout Sophomore year. But he never had to give up me. That is until now." You look over to his casket. It was an open casket funeral so you could see his pale body. You break down at the sight lying your hear on the casket. "I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

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