Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Soul Eater. zip, zelch, nada.

Hours later after coming up with a way for Soul to tell Maka his feelings for her, he hops on his bike and starts to head back to the apartment. Upon entering the apartment he was met with an extremely pissed off Blair.

"What the hell is your fucking problem Soul?" she hissed

"Blair what are you talking about?" Soul looked at her confused

"What I'm talking about is how you can just hurt Maka like that. The poor girl has been in tears since she's been home. All because of you!" seethed Blair

"Blair like I said, I seriously have no idea what you are talking about. She has been avoiding me since our classes and wrote her a note asking her whats up and she said nothing and that she was gonna walk home. So I went over to Black Star's and Tsubaki's after school. So if you could please enlighten me on what you are talking about?" a very confused Soul asked.

"What I'm talking about is how you could just use her like. She isn't a toy Soul she doesn't deserve to be treated like one. And what are these?" Blair through a bunch of letters at him that she found at the door when she got home. Soul bent down and picked up the envelopes that she threw in his face. Shaking his head, he begins to explain to Blair his side.

"These are stupid partner request that I throw away because these girls just want to be paired with the coolest guy in school and aren't serious about the actual work. I NEVER would use Maka Blair. Come on you should know from our fight that I only said those things to trick you. Where the hell did you hear this from?" he explained while looking at her for an answer

"She told me after I coaxed it out of her. She cried herself to sleep after telling me all about it." she glared at Soul

"Wait, that makes absolutely NO sense at all. Did she tell you where she heard all this garbage from?"

"She wouldn't tell me but it really hurt her Soul"

"Blair, I would NEVER hurt her. For fucks sakes woman I love her and risk my life for her everytime we are out on missions and will continue. She's everything to me." he finally admitted to Blair

"Ohhhh so the secrets out on who you like but Souly I suggest you fix this problem." Blair suggested with a small smile on her face. she always would tease the scythe but now that the truth is out, there was no reason for Blair to continue her teasing on the boy.

"Easier said then done Blair. Lets just pray she actually speaks to me." he removes his jacket and throws it on the couch walking past Blair

"Good luck on that Soul. I will be out for the rest of the night to give you guys some alone time." she states as she walks out the door. Soul sighs as he walks over to Maka's door and lightly knocks

"Maka are you awake?" not hearing a peep, he tried to turn the knob only to find it locked. Growling as Blair must have done it when she left her room so no one would bother her. He turns his arm into a blade to pick the lock. Opening the door her walking over to her bed and lightly sits on it as she sleeps there looking angelic. He took the time to study her, seeing that her eyes were puffy from the crying that Blair said she did and her hair messy and out of their normal ribbons. He reaches his hand down to move a few strands of hair behind her ear. She begins to stir in her sleep as her eyes begin to open about to tell Blair to please leave her alone but instead her emerald eyes met his crimson ones. She begins to tear up and rolls over.

"Go away Soul. I don't want to see nor talk to you!" she said through her tears

"Maka come on don't be like that, talk to me." he puts a hand on her shoulder. She tries to shake it off but he grabs a hold of her shoulder turning her around to face him then engulfs her in a hug. She tries to struggle against him but he just tightens his grip around her waist

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