Ashley's death

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Ashley, Ash's guardian Pokemon, was kidnapped. So were Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Ash, and all their Pokemon. What more was she was actually going to do something unexpected.

Ash: What do you want Lysander!

Lysander: The bond you and your Greninja share, also you guardian Pokemons mega evolution.

Ash: We'll never give it to you!

Lysander: You either give the power.... or your friends die.

Ash: Leave them out of this! I can't give you the power....So kill me instead.

Bonnie: what! Ash no!

Serena: Please.. Ash don't.

Ash: It's the only way.

Lysander: Noble... but foolish.

* Bam*

Ash: What?

Ashley:* cough* I made you a promise... didn't I?

Ash: No!

Lysander: Foolish girl!

Ashley: Oh really... I've got 7 minutes.

Ash and co. get away to the forest.

Ashley: * coughing * You'll be safe here.

Ash: What about you?😢

Ashley: 5 minutes left... say what you gotta say.

Bonnie: Why did you do it?

Ashley: Now... would I really be a guardian Pokemon if I don't fufill my promises?

Ash: Please don't go.

Ashley: 1 minute.

Clemont: Goodbye!😢

Hawlucha: But why?

Ashley:4 seconds... legends never die...* dies*

Ash: No... NO .... NOOOOOO! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


P.S. listen to the song! LEGENDS NEVER DIE

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