Love in Bloom

42 2 6

( this is going to be a Pokemon are humans two- shot)

Ashley... the most popular girl in school.

Hawlucha.... the shy guy of the school.

They both had a crush on each other, they were to shy to admit it.

Today's assignment was to write, perform, and record a song.

The group's consisted of Luxray, Braixen, and Greninja. Slyveon, Dedenne, and Pikachu. And finally Chespin, Hawlucha, and Ashley.

Ashley: Ummm....My house?

Chespin: You trying to make a move on me?


Chespin: Okay... don't deny it!

Hawlucha: S-sure A-a-ashley.

Ashley: See you two later then. * hands them a piece of paper* Call me.


Ashley: * playing go fish with Noivern*( Noivern is her older brother) Dang it! How are you so good at this!

Noivern: * won again* Gods never tell their secrets.

( Yes, they are Gods...Arceus is their father)

Ashley: Yeah, yeah....where's Snivy?

Noivern: Asleep.* Knocking * I'll get it.

Ashley: Change back first!

Noivern: Right!

( outside)

Hawlucha: Really Chespin. You know she doesn't like you like that.

Chespin: When I give her these flowers and chocolates, she'll accept me.

Hawlucha: No she won't!

Chespin: Yes she will!

Hawlucha: Won't!

Chespin: Will!

Hawlucha : Won't!

Chespin: Will!

Hawlucha: Wo..oh hello Noivern.

Noivern: Uhhhh* sweat drop * Come on in... Ashley is in the kitchen.

Ashley: Noivern! You want pizza or pasta?

Noivern: Pizza! Also your friends are here!

Ashley: Tell them to wait in the living room! Also ask them if they want something!

Noivern: Kay! So do you guys want something?

Chespin: Your sister's love!

Noivern:* sweat drop * I meant food wise. * mutters * good luck with that Sherlock.

Hawlucha: I'll take some pizza.

Ashley: Pizza coming in hot! Literally!

Dish almost hits Chespin in the head. Noivern caught it.

Noivern: When it's just us at home, throwing the dish is okay!

Ashley: Sorry.😅😥😥😥

Chespin: Here you go Sweetheart!

Ashley: Ummm.... thanks? Noivern... you want this?* hands him the chocolate *

Noivern: Yay!

Hawlucha:* looks at Chespin * Told you so.

Ashley: Okay... shall we get started?


Ashley: Anything? 

Chespin: no

Ashley: Pfft. Who at the last slice?

Noivern: It ain't me!

Ashley: * sings* It ain't me.

Hawlucha: That could work.

Chespin: What he said.

To be continued 

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