Chapter 2: Demons

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Santana's POV

She kissed me. She kissed me. I can't believe it.

But why did she run away like this? Is she afraid I'm not lesbian? Well I think it's quite obvious... Wait but what's that saying about us? I just can't wait to see her again...

For the first time in my life I'm actually looking forward my night shift. That girl got me good.

I walked all the way home with this giant smile on my face. I really hope Dani is feeling the same.

Dani's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. What did I just do?! I ran back to my house closing the door after me.

I can't believe it. I just kissed her! But what if she's not even lesbian?! She probably won't talk to me ever again! Who am I to kiss her?! She's way more better and prettier than me.

She's tall, skinny, tanned, simply a hot latina and I'm just.... Dani....

I collapsed into the floor crying and ashamed while I keep hearing those voices inside my head again. You're not worth it, You're disgusting, How can someone love you?

I'm just so stupid thinking someone can actually like me. I looked down and kept crying and then I felt his soft fur tickling my leg.

Thumper, my old and big Labrador. I took him with me when I moved to New York. My parents never liked him anyway. He was licking my face, trying to cheer me up. But then I heard them again. Cut. It's all I could hear.

I faced my head to the floor again covering my ears, screaming. I hated them, I hated them so much.

Cut, I heard them one more time before I couldn't resist them anymore. I have to obey them.

Kurt's POV

"Where is Santana?! She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago!" I asked Rachel while I was cleaning the dishes after the meal Rachel and I had "Her food is getting cold"

"I don't know... She was still working when I left... Filling the salt shakers with Dani, the new girl... Santana is soooo in love with her! It's so cute!!!" Rachel squealed

"Wow wait what?! Santana is in love?!" I squealed back

"Yes!!! She's so cute!" she answered me with her giant smile.

The loft door opened and a smiling Santana walked in.

"So... I guess the reason to your smile starts with Da and ends with Ni, am I right?" I smirked to her

"What? How do you even know?! BERRY!!!" Santana yelled "And I told you to stop smirking!"

"Uhh stop it Santana! Come on just tell us how it went" Rachel joined.

"Ok..." Santana said sitting on the couch "I walked her home" her smile grew even bigger

"Aaaaand........?!" I asked. It's obvious there is more.

"And she kissed me" Santana said smiling so big staring at the air. I bet she was thinking about that moment again

"Oh my God!" Rachel squealed and I couldn't resist, I had to join her squealing.

"Oh my God! You're so in love! That's so cute!!!" Rachel and I squealed together

"Stop squealing that's really annoying" Santana wiped the smile from her face and made an annoyed expression.


Santana's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw Gunther's name.

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