Chapter 1

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I stood in front of the full body length mirror in my bedroom. I stared at my not too thin, not too thick body frame. My narrow face was a milky-white color. My arms had quite some muscle. Damn....could my legs be any thicker? They were practically horse thighs! At least it was muscle and not fat.

My pale hands immediately reached for the green iPod on the desk and plugged it into the speakers. Pressing the play button, SHINee's Love Like Oxygenimmediately played. I couldn't resist myself, my hips were already moving to the bead of the song, along with my head. I started to pop, lock and wave around my room.

Dancing was my only happiness. Absolutely NOTHING could make me happier than dancing. In dance, you can move your body any way you want with no restrictions. I was at one piece until...


I jumped at the sudden call of my name, kicked the foot of my bed and fell to the floor. What would my annoying 12 year old sister, Mei, want at a moment like this?!


"How many times do I have to tell you? It's not somethingI can teach. You have to feel it and make your own dance moves with feeling," I said to her in an irritated tone making it clear that I was obviously annoyed.

"Oh sorry. Anyway, some agent from S.M Entertainment is looking for you! I think you should hurry," she said excitedly.

S.M Entertainment?! Isn't that like the biggest entertainment business in Korea? We just moved back to Korea from California not too long ago. How could they find out me so quickly? I raced down the steps, anxious of business they had with me.

I could see my mother already talking to a tall and muscular man in a suit. I walked next to my short mother. The agent scanned over me from head to toe. He then stared straight into my eyes. My heartbeat quickened. It felt like I was about to faint.

"Ms. Kana Kim, I am an agent from S.M Entertainment. I am here because out company is interested in your talented skill of dancing. You are probably wondering how we know you and how we know where you live. In California, you were out with a few of your friends in a park. Well, one of our agents happened to be passing by was fascinated by your dancing. We then found out more about you and just like that, we're here," the agent said smoothly with a smile on his face.

It sounded a little weird how they "tracked" me down and found out so much about me. But, I'm only 15. Would they really accept me into their business?

"Uh....erm....are you sure I'm good enough? I'm still young and....and...." I stupidly stammered.

"We don't accept untalented people into our business. Your age is fine. We want you to live in our dorms. After training you for some years, we will see how your skill has improved. If it's outstanding, you could join the stage with famous idols and groups. Think about it."

The agent gave me a business card and walked back towards his limo leaving a shocked face on both mine, and my mother's.


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