Chapter 3

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It took about 45 minutes to get to the company dorms. By the time we got there, it was around 6:00 PM and man was I starving. There weren't very many people walking around.

The agent helped me with my luggage and took me to the dorm that I would be staying in. Surprisingly, I had no roomates. I guess that's easier for me.

"Go to the cafeteria at 7:30. That's when dinner gets served. That will give you some time to settle in and look around. Get to know some people," the agent said and left after giving me my room key.

I walked into the dorm room. It was brilliant. I could smell a sweet smell of lavender. It was time to tour the room. First was the bathroom. Damn, it was huge. It was bigger than my room! The kitchen was wonderful. The fridge was new and there were already a few utensils for me to use. There was a king sized bed in the corner of the room with lime green bed sheets and a thick blanket. How great was this room! 

So it was around 7:00 by the time I finished cleaning up. There was still enough time to walk around the dorms. Changing into my sky blue jacket and jeans, I headed out the door. The hallways were really clean. I wonder who cleaned them, they must get paid big bucks for keeping them nice and tidy. 

Since I had no idea where to go, I decided to go downstairs and check what there was. The elevator took about three minutes to get up to my floor. What took so long? 

As the doors opened, six extremely handsome boys stood there, all of them looking at me. They all looked extremely familiar. I stared into space thinking, who were these people.

Then, it hit me. 

This was EXO-K. A new boy band that consited of six young and handsome boys. I was standing in front of them...speechless.

"Getting in?" one of them asked me with a smirk on his face.


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