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I believe that soulmates exist.
That the pair are connected by a string extending heart to heart.

This string can't be cut or broken.
It can be tangled and knotted by others who won't end up essential.

It can get stuck under rocks and snagged on tree limbs.
But won't they just waste away.

The thing is, every person has a heart string connecting to their soul mate.
No one can break that bond.

One day, after following that string accidentally.
You will run into your other half

It may take a 30 years.
10 years.
A month.
A day.

You'll never know how long you will wonder its path.
Until you feel as if you've made it to the place you've been unknowingly searching for your whole life.

We all have the strings.
Don't give up on them.
You'll find your way.

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