While the world tolls,
Like a church bell, calling
For a death, a birth
Another martyr
One more Messiah
I almost begged my mother to let me stay at home for the week. I wanted to feign illness. But I felt guilty even thinking about it. So I put on my armour, the concealer and prepared to walk those dreadful halls again. I prepared myself to battle the day.
When I walked to our usual spot I saw Amrinder. I was glad for it. He has a solid calming presence. Its something that I need.
"You look like shit." He remarks.
"Gee thanks." I reply sarcastically.
He gives me a long hard look.
"Don't give me that." He says.
Suddenly I remember two years ago, at the tender age of sixteen, when we were just figuring out who we were, his older sister Jasleen had committed suicide. From her suicide note, they deduced she had untreated sever depression. It was all over the local newspaper. I remember being at her last rites. Her face had been obscured by a white cloth, yet underneath one could still see the look of utter peace. As if she had finally found solace. I remember how Amrinder had broken down and almost ran into the fire, where they were cremating her.
It was only natural for him to worry.
"I'm fine." I lie. "Brilliant actually, just tired."
"Alright dude I'm here if you need me though."
"Of course man."
Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Guess who's allowed to drink this Saturday?" Whoops James.
"You already drink." Says Amrinder rolling his eyes.
"Guess who's legally allowed to drink this Saturday?"
"You." I say.
"Yup and you're all invited to my 18th birthday party!"
"Wonderful." Murmurs Amrinder.
You know that feeling you get when the world weighs down on you? I feel it. Everytime I try to push it off, it only gets heavier. I am being crushed to a million splinters. I need help. Some one to be here for me. But no one will believe me.
It follows me every moment of every day. Sometimes when I sit down all of a sudden I'm not here. I'm back in the storeroom. Back with her. Sometimes I see her smile. Sometimes she is hissing savagely. But always, always she's against me, doing the unimaginable.
Teen Fiction🌙 If he's going to be the death of me then that's how I want to go. ✨ ~~~ Rhys Heinlein and Salih Sarfraz are two ends of the spectrum of Students at St. Dominic's Senior All Boys, who would have guessed they were the best of friends. But when Sali...