Chapter 6 - Lunctime with Smosh

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Chapter 6


“Howdy Y’all, and welcome to Lunchtime with Smosh!” Ian grinned at the camera, speaking in a Deep South accent “Today, youngin’s we got a purdy lady with us, say heller Nikki, ya’ harlett”

“ひざしぶりみな!” Nikki made her usual greeting in Japanese

“We’ve got white trash, and a white Asian in the car it seems.” Anthony laughed

“I prefer the term caucasian Asian.” Nikki smiled at Anthony and he grinned back.

“Oh cut it out you two!” Ian fake huffed, strange accent now gone, then suddenly it was back  “Let’s get some good eatin’!” He made some weird hillbilly face and gave a thumbs up

“What the heck was that” Nikki chuckled

“Whatever, ignore him Nik, let’s go get some pizza” Anthony got out of the car, now parked.

Video fastforward:

“Finding twitter questions, finding twitter questions!” Nikki and Ian sang, in unison… or lack thereof.

“Ian, would you rather, only hear Rebecca Black’s voice singing whenever anyone talks or give Justin Bieber a BJ” Anthony read, Nikki busted laughing

“Thanks for easing me in to Lunchtime twitter questions.. Not. Straight to fellatio.” She chuckled

“You know that’s how we roll, N-dog.” Ian made some awkward gansta pose “anyway, JB all the way.”

“…” Anthony and Nikki met eyes and giggled “All the way.”

“Ok next one is for you… N-dog.” Ian maintained his awkwardness

“I swear if you call me ‘N-dog’ one more time I’m going to kick you in your puppies” Nikki scowled jokingly, Anthony cracked up laughing at her weird word choice, and Ian just continued on regardless

“Nikki, are you single, and if so which would you pick, Ian or Anthony?” Ian read, and Nikki laughed, and flicked her long curls over her shoulder, a habitual action she did when she was slightly uncomfortable, but hiding it. Only Anthony had picked up on this motion, and one of his dark eyebrow quirked upwards in interest.

“I’d like to comment that it’s ‘who would you pick’ not ‘which would you pick’ get ch’yo’ grammar right beeeeoootch” She chuckled, putting on a ghetto accent. “But to answer your questions; I am single, hence why I’m starting in Why We’re Single, check out Smosh Games latest vid with me in it if you want.” She laughed a single ‘ha’ “Insert product placement here, am I right?! But, hmm, I think since Anthony’s single, and Ian’s not. I’d rather not hypothetically cheat in this hypothetical scenario, so I’d pick Anthony.”

Said guy locked eyes with Nikki, and the two for a moment shared a paused look that wasn’t awkward.. at least for them, Ian cleared his throat and they realised they’d made him uncomfortable, but instead of getting embarrassed, they silently agreed

‘Too late to turn back’ Anthony said without speaking, his eyes telling Nikki what she needed to hear

‘Indeed, why not put on a show’ She silently smirked.

“OH ANT” She exclaimed melodramatically, calling him ‘Ant’ referencing the Ianthony fanfiction the Smosh duo had read too many times.

“OH NIK! OUR LOVE MUST BURN ETERNALLY!”  He jumped off his seat and tackled her into a hug

“ANT! I’LL NEVER LET GO!! ANT!!” She laugh/fake cried. And then he pretended to be pulled away by some unseen force, and he slid down onto the floor clutching her small hand, engulfing it with his two larger ones. They had somehow evolved into re-enacting Jack’s death scene in Titanic.

“Jack! Jack I love you! Don’t let go!” She tried to act sad, but was fighting a giant grin.

“I love you too, Chick-I-can’t-remember-the-name-of-but-let-me-paint-her-naked.” Anthony jumbled out, and disappeared under the table making ‘blub-blub’ noises like he was drowning.

Ian turned the camera to face himself  “And on that extremely weird note, now that we’ve finished our food, and Anthon-Jack is dead, how would you rate our food N-dog.” Ian asked Nikki and swivelled the camera to reveal her face, which was still contorted in the previous laughter

“6 Jovenshire-faces-being-uncool out of… 35 000.” She said, making up the figure as she said it.

“Ok, well see you next Monday!” Ian said and grinned at the camera.

Video end

Comment Section:

GamerChick111: The Nikony has come true!! Totally shipping Nikki and Anthony, they’re the best!

Msbleachification: Love the titanic references, the fact that Anthony would do something so girly proves they’re meant to be.

Smosher6969lol: I smell some fanfictions coming on.

Trolololol33: Anthony x Nikki FTW JJJ

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