At the Fireside [English Translation]

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The Slytherin common room was empty tonight, all the students had joined their dorms, well almost two of them were still on the big sofa talking about everything and nothing watching the flames dance in the fireplace. the fireplace. From time to time, the blonde's blue-gray look was lost on his friend's face only lit by the flickering light that illuminated the room, he lingered on all the little details that defined the face of Albus. Scorpius was still watching his comrade, surely one too many times because Albus was staring at him too.

- Hey, Scorp ', where were you?

- Uh, anywhere, I listened to you that's all.

The young Malfoy turned his gaze to the fireplace, his face becoming as neutral as possible.

- You laugh ? You looked at me with a silly smile worthy of a Hufflepuff. Unless you had a crush on Flitwick, I doubt you would listen to me.

Scorpius laughs as he thinks of the spells teacher, accompanied quickly by his friend's laughter. When everything became calm, Albus turned to the blonde, looking serious.

- Did you think about Rose?

- But of course not, why will I think of her?

The brunet crossed his arms adopting a sulky behavior.

- Oh Scorpius, do not lie to me! I know you're in love with her, it shows in your eyes. Since the first year, you devour her eyes.

The little blond sat up to take a more serious look and looked at his friend in the eyes.

- I may have looked at it when we were smaller, but this is not the case for many me, I much prefer to think of someone other than your cousin!

- So who were you thinking of?

Albus raised a questioning eyebrow, Scorpius still stared at him, not taking his eyes off the green eyes for a moment.

- to .. yours.

The dark-haired man opened his mouth before closing it, not knowing what to say, he blushed, the blonde's head getting closer and closer to hers did not help things away. It was the throbbing heart and after 3 milliseconds of hesitation that the two Slytherins were one, intermixing their breath and Albus' hands wandering through the silky, almost blond hair of young Malfoy. It was the latter who had put his lips on those of his partner, and it was together that they recoiled to catch their breath.

- Since I was waiting to do that to you ....

It was tonight that a Malfoy and a Potter united forever, breaking the adversity of their fathers.

Scorbus : Au coin du feu [Fr&En Version] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant