Chapter 14

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Calum's POV

"Are you coming?" A tall and blonde haired paramedic asked me.

"Yeah." I replied and followed him and Ruby out to the ambulance, getting into the back and sitting down rapidly. Ruby was still in floods of tears but wouldn't let me comfort her, just pulling away when I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Is he defiantly.. Dead?" I asked anyone who was listening.

"No, his heart rate has dangerously slowed down though, we're trying to get it working to it's usual rate again." A paramedic replied, not turning to face me.

Ruby suddenly stopped crying and her mouth dropped open. "He's not dead." She whispered, I could hear the hope in her voice.

After a painful 5 minute drive to the hospital we finally arrived and Brian was pushed down the ramp of the ambulance and through the doors into the hospital, followed by me and Ruby racing after them.

The paramedics took him into a room similar to the previous one he had been in telling us to wait in the waiting room for 10 minutes.

We sat down together on a pair of wooden, uncomfortable seats. "I can't believe he's not actually dead, it's a miracle." Ruby cried out, a smile covering her face as she hugged me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kept quiet. There was no chance of survival after taking so many pills was there?

A tall, middle aged man, dressed in white (presumably a doctor), paced over to us. "Would you like to come with me, through to Mr. Silver's room." He asked, guiding us to where Brian was.

He pulled open the door, allowing us to walk through before following us into the room and asking us to take a seat.

"So he'll be alright?" Ruby asked nervously.

"I'm sorry, no. We haven't been able to increase his heart rate and it in fact has dropped even more. It's only a matter of time now until he passes. Once again I'm sorry, there is really nothing we can do." The doctor replied.

A cry similar to the one earlier came from Ruby, this time leaning her head on my shoulder and holding onto my arm. I stroked her hair trying to comfort her.

The heart monitor Brian was connected to suddenly went dead and stopped beeping.

"Time of death - 9:46pm." The doctor said aloud as he wrote it on the clipboard he held.

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