Chapter 29

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Calum's POV

Michael Clifford, my so called "best friend", ruined my life. My one hope of happiness once I had escaped prison and he had taken it away from me.

I heard everything he'd said, about Ruby, about being the reason she thought she had to end her own life. Well I hope he was happy with what he had done to me, because he wouldn't be for much longer.

I paced down the main road, heading into town and towards the nightclub where I would meet up with the dealer, "Ross". I zipped up the zip on my black hoodie and pulled the hood over my head.

I arrived at the entrance of the club and headed around the back to a back alley, having to walk past broad guys looking down on me like I was dirt. I spotted Ross in the corner, dealing what looked like a gun to a smaller but equally tough looking guy that stood opposite him. They parted and I made my move.

"Ross? It's Calum. I made the arrangement for the handgun." I said seriously, a stern look on my face. He looked up at me from counting the notes of money in his hands and flashed me a fake smile.

"Right, you got the money?" He replied, flicking his eyes from mine back down to the cash in his hands, then shoving it in his back pocket.

"Yeah, it's all here." I said, handing him the money. He took it and rapidly counting it, I could tell he'd made these deals a million times before.

"Here, it's fully loaded. Ready for your victim." He said with a smirk across his face as he handed me the gun carefully. I took it from him and pushed it down the side of my jeans, making sure it was secure.

"Cheers man." I said as I walked away, back onto the street in front of the night club. I made my way back home, I couldn't bare to be under the same roof as Michael but I knew in a few days I wouldn't be. I had the perfect plan, it was flawless.

I unlocked the front door and pushed it open, walking into the house. I quickly sprinted up the stairs before anyone could catch me and headed to my room. "Alright Cal?" I heard Michael's voice from behind me, making me jump.

"Yeah, you?" I asked, turning around. Just seeing his face filled me with anger and hatred.

"Not too bad, you know it's great to have you back. I've really missed you, man." He said with a smile as he put his hand onto my shoulder.

I forced out a smile, fighting the urge to snap at him. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep now. See you tomorrow." I said, walking back into my room and pulling shut the door.

I looked back over my shoulder to make sure the door was shut then opened my side table draw, placing the gun beneath a book I had inside it.

I pulled off my shirt over my head and took of my jeans and climbed into bed, pulling the sheet over myself. I lay awake reciting the plan over and over, making sure I knew exactly what to do and when to do it.

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