Moving in Together

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[Derek Shepherd]

Derek asked you to move in with him after a measly 4 months of dating. You told you would, just not now. You figured it was too early on in the relationship and that all you two would do is fight, but after your 7 month anniversary, you realized that love isn't a measure of time and therefore you shouldn't be waiting a certain amount of time just to move in with him if you really loved him.

And so you pack up all of your junk hidden in your room, said goodbye to your roommates. Derek took most of the boxes (even though there was really only 4 of them).

Your first few nights in the house were odd. Most of the time you and Derek were working different shifts, resulting in you being home alone a lot and the other way around.

But after about a week, things were great. The two of you rarely fought and you actually liked sharing nearly everything with him. You're so in love him.

[Alex Karev]

Alex is such an idiot.

After a surgery, that was very long, might I add, you plopped yourself down in the cafeteria with your friends, Alex included.

"You're coming over to my place tonight, right?" He had asked you. You were unaware that you were but you just nodded. How could you say no? You wouldn't mind spending a little time with him, especially since you weren't working the next day.

And so you showed up at his after going home and taking a desperately needed shower. You rang the bell and he just stared at you blankly.

"That's all you own?" He asked.

"Alex, what the actual fuck?"  You asked back. Why would you only own a phone and a pair of clothes? Is Alex stupid? Even he has more than that.

"Wha? I thought you owned more crap but I guess not." He scratched the back of his head and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You asshole."


"That was a shitty way of asking me to move in."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

[Owen Hunt]

Owen sent you a really cheesy text inviting you to dinner with him the day of your 4-month anniversary

The two of you were sitting there and he looked up at you with this look in his eye. You remember it so clearly.

All he said at first was, "y/n, I wanna ask you something."

You made a gesture for him to continue. You have a mouth full of spaghetti and you weren't the rude type, so you didn't talk with the food packed in your mouth.

"Wanna move in with me? I really love you and I just think that we c-"

You cut him off and for the first time since you were, 12 started talking with the half-chewed food in your mouth.

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