The known stranger!

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"There she is! "exclaimed Ronnie with excitement.Ahana looked at the beautiful brunette coming from the parking lot.

"Elisa, my baby."Ronnie hugged and pecked her on her lips.

"Ahem ahem..."Ahana cleared her throat.

"Oh D meet Elisa my girlfriend.And honey this is my sweet D, Ahana."

"Ahana D ofcourse, heard a lot about you from Ronnie."

Ahana felt comfortable with Elisa, she seemed very sweet.But after 'the incident 'she hardly trusted people .Your fault you trusted him without knowing him at all, immature!.Her subconscious mind said.

"Okay lets go for shopping then."

They entered the mall and after trying thousand's of dresses Ahana was ready with her new wardrobe.Elisa proved to be of great help.

They all were sitting at a cafe.Ahana was feeling awkward between the two love birds she really wanted to get away from that couple or she would puke because they were very close to making out in front of her and she was not comfortable.

"I'll just take a look at the other shops."Ahana got up from her seat.

"Wait D I'll come."

"No you guys just be here so that I know where to find you."

"Okay go ahead."They both waved at her.

Ahana was wandering around.She was amused by the cultural difference in India and London everything was different.Girls here were more confident than in village back home ... and they also did not have many restrictions, unlike India! but yes relationships were different in both countries and they both had their pros and cons.

She was in her own thoughts when she collided with something hard or someone.Her back was about to meet the floor when somebody enveloped his arms around her waste and protected her from falling.

"Oh god...."she said her eyes tightly closed.

She opened her eyes slowly revealing A handsome face in front of her .'Ahem ahem'.Her subconscious mind said

He stared at her blank.

He set her back and they were both staring at each other when somebody cleared their throat.

"Ahana." a familiar face was there in front of her.

"Bhabhi, you..uhhh what are you doing here ?"

"We stay here in south side of the city."Alka bhabhi Arjun's sister in law .Arjun's brother and sister in law were staying here from the past two years.They both knew Ahana, they met her before their wedding finalised and they got along very well.

" And he's Arjun right?" Ahana asked.Bhabhi knew that she have never seen him , she just nodded.

Ahana felt blood boiling inside her she was pale she didn't know what to say.she looked at him and slapped him hard on his face.Arjun's face was blank and didn't revert ,may be he was expecting it.

"Ahana..."Bhabhi was about to say something but Arjun stopped her.

"I m so...."

"You look more coward than I thought."Ahana said and ran away.

She went to the restroom and cried, as hard as she could.He's not worth your tears......

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