The Confrontation.

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"Let's go."

"What happened D?"Ronnie asked nervously.

"Nothing ju-"

"She met me , that's why!"

A voice boomed ,Ahana knew it was him.She turned to see the owner of the voice.

"Ahana just listen to me once."

Ahana's eyes were filled with tears and her voice was dipped in sobs.She was not able to speak anything.

"Listen to me Ahana."


"Not like this, not here."He glanced at Ronnie and Elisa behind Ahana.

"Say what you want to now or leave it."

"D, who's this man and why he is talking to you like this?"Ronnie asked coming between Arjun and Ahana, looking directly into Arjun's eyes.

"I'll drop her home."Arjun declared.The tension was rising between both of them.

"Why do you think I will even let you take her?"Ronnie asked.

"Ask her."Ahana didn't know what to do but she really wanted to know why Arjun did this.

'Everybody knows he left you because of another girl.'

Her subconscious mind roared.But her heart did not agree to admit it.

"I'll see you at home."Ahana said to Ronnie and left with Arjun.


They went to a nearby park where not many people were to be seen. They quitely sat there for sometime.Arjun didn't know how to start the topic.

"You want to speak or I  leave?"

"Huh! as if you know the ways."

"Arjun I know I am new here but educated enough to find my own way.And let's not talk about finding ways because after you left me on our wedding day I have been alone and found my way to live my life by coming here."

Arjun was angry now he pinned Ahana against the tree. His hands on either sides of her head.

"Listen Ahana I know I did a mistake by eloping on our wedding day but I had issues to resolve."

"Yeah that whore whom you left me for to get insulted, ofcourse! "

Suddenly Arjun's anger was changed by confusion.He frowned,  He took his hands back.

"I left for what?A girl and who gave you this piece of information."

"Everybody, even your family members ."

"Did you even try to find out what the truth was ?"He asked annoyed.

"Yes but Everybody said the same so I thought that's the truth ."

"You are far away from the truth."

"Are you telling me the truth or I leave?"Ahana screamed and bursted with anger.

"The truth is....

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