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It started on a weekend in May...


We worked.

And worked.

And worked.

And worked.

All damn day, all damn week.

Sure, yeah, I love working for music-making, but sometimes it gets a little too excessive. We need a break at some point, ya know? So far, the boys and I have been working nonstop for our tour for the last three weeks.

To put this in the simplest way, we need a god damn break before bodies start hitting the floor.

Before we knew it, it was Saturday. Needless to say, we embraced it with open arms. Today was finally a free day, and I planned to do absolutely nothing. Maybe I'll just pull a Michael and sleep all day, who knows?

I woke up that morning to the sound of Luke squealing like a small child, followed by a "shut the fuck up" from Michael.  In addition to that, the TV was blaring the opening for Spongebob Squarepants and random hollering started coming from Calum.

I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand beside me and checked the time quickly.

May 25th, 8:32 am. As much as I love these boys, I can't allow such animalistic behavior at this early on a Saturday morning. I placed my phone back on the nightstand and then pulled a pillow over my head to hopefully block out all of the noises coming from my band mates.

Ten minutes later, things finally went quiet, and I was just about ready to let myself slip back to sleep.

Unfortunately, in this band you can't get what you want.

The door to my room swung open, revealing Mr. Calum Hood in nothing but a towel. "Ashton!" he chirped. "Wake your lazy ass up, we're gonna do things today!"

"Fuck you, Calum," I mumbled and tossed the pillow that was previously on my face at him. I then pulled the covers over my head and hoped that he'd leave me alone at this point. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Calum in a towel.

"Excuse me, do you kiss your mum with that mouth?" Calum asked and added a fake gasp, tossing the pillow right back at me.

"Yes, now fuck off, I wanna sleep," I answered as I swatted the bed accessory away.

"What if I don't want to-"


Footsteps thundered into the room and my bed began violently shaking as Luke the lanky began jumping on it.

I hate this band.

"Luke I'm going to have Liz come all the way over here to whoop your ass into shape!" I shouted, getting more and more irritated by the second. Luke stopped jumping, but he proceeded to pull the covers off of me once he hopped off the bed. "Rise and shine!"

"I hate you all," I muttered before sitting up and rubbing my eyes a few times. "Why the hell are you up so early, anyway?" I looked between Luke and Calum and they both shrugged. "I guess there's just something in London that makes us feel like things need to be done at every chance we get," Calum finally answered after two minutes of thinking the answer over.

"Yeah, well, it's our only free day, maybe London can wait for our shenanigans for another time."

"Absolutely not," Calum protested.

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