PART 3- Chapter 12

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Ruth's POV

How lovely, it's raining again. I could barely hear the faint taps because I was on the hospital cot, the monitor blocking out the rain. Annoyed, I pulled out the wires, ignoring the protests of the monitors. I only kept the IV that gave me extra blood from the baggie on the stand.

I dragged the stand with me to the window, putting my frail hands against the cold glass. My wrists were wrapped in bandages, so I couldn't inspect the stitches I was given, the IV needle invisible.

My eyes studied the dark clouds above, the heavy rain that pelted the cars and streets below. I wanted to go outside and just relax in the simple weather, but my condition said otherwise. I was so pale from the blood loss, my limbs felt heavier than usual. I looked to the dark clouds again, the ones that blocked out the blue sky and sun. It seemed relaxing to me.

"I see someone was a rebel." Tony said from behind me, walking to the window beside me.

I put my hand on his cheek, showing him that I wanted to see the rain. When I took my hand away from the small gesture, he looked at me like I was insane.

"Dude, your immune system is way too low to go outside, you'll get sick-"

"I want to see the rain, Tony." I cut him off.

"You are."

I glared at him, "I want to go outside. Just for a little bit." I relaxed my mood, "Please?"

He rolled his eyes and exhaled a groan, "Fine. Come along."

He started walking away, but only slow enough so I could catch up. I still dragged the stand with me because it was keeping me balanced on my feet. He put in his key numbers on the door and it slid over, allowing us to pass. I followed him through the halls and to the elevator.

"FRIDAY, take us to the balcony." He instructed his AI.

The elevator started moving up and up and I'm not gonna lie, the movement of the elevator made me a bit nauseous. Tony stood silently in the elevator with me, playing a game on his wrist screen. I tapped my feet slowly, waiting for the elevator to stop. When it finally did, it opened up to chilly winds.

"Oh yeah, you forgot your jacket." Tony said, but made no move to get out of the elevator. "Just tell FRIDAY to take you back down to the medic floor when you're done."

I nodded and he pressed a button on the elevator, making the doors close behind me. I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head up towards the sky. I let the pelts of rain hit my face, dampen my outfit. I walked to the railing on the end of the balcony, peering over the edge. I realized my dark hair was getting soaked, but I didn't care at the moment.

I crack of thunder erupted from the sky, making me peer into the clouds, waiting for the next flash of lightning. Storms intrigue me, they make me inspirational. They gave me comfort for some reason, like Earth needed a hug but was depressingly angry. This reminded me of a faint memory I don't know I had.

-California 2008, a year prior the kidnapping-

I stood on the porch of my family home, the home that my grandpa's and grandma's lived in for generations. It wasn't pretty, it was old and the porch was known for the splinters. The rain tapped against the concrete of the roads and houses. It was sunny only moments ago, so I was wearing my blue spring dress, which was now soaked.

I was only four years old. I was smart for my age, which led my parents to think I was a freak, so they barely supervised me because I could handle myself on my own. They trust me not to stick a fork in an outlet, which was surprising.

I looked up at the dark clouds, the thick sprinkle drenching my face and hair. I giggled, cupping my hands to collect the water. My parents were arguing in the house again, the yelling and sounds of things breaking could be heard outside, but I grew to ignore the sounds. The thunder blocked out most of it anyway. I threw the water I collected in my hands in the air, which just fell back down to the mud.

I opened the gate that locked the porch from outsiders and stepped my bare feet into the slippery mud. I danced around, getting weirded out by the mud that squeezed between my small toes. I ended up slipping, landing on my butt.

"Ewww!" I squealed, getting up. Now my hands were coated in the brown mush.

A slam of the front door caught my attention. My father, now drunk and stumbling over his steps, carried his work suitcase, but I saw the peeks of clothing from the case. I was confused until he stumbled to his car, mumbling to himself something incoherent.

"Daddy, where are you going?" I asked him, walking over carefully on the slippery lawn.

He only stared at me, but it seemed as if his eyes couldn't focus. He was very drunk, he reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. The car door opened and he crawled in, slamming it shut behind him without a word. He started his car and pulled off, the tires screeching down the road.

I looked back to the door, my mother staring at me with narrow eyes. I thought she was staring at my ruined dress, but it seemed something much more than that.

"Mommy?" I was confused, walking over to the porch.

When I unlocked the gate, she slammed the door shut, a click was be heard. Mommy? I stumbled over to the door, turning the handle that wouldn't turn. Did she lock me out? I banged two tiny fists on the door, calling for her over and over.

"Mommy! Mom!" I cried and pleaded for her to open the door. It never opened.



I jumped away from my daydream, looking back to Tony, who looked annoyed. I mumbled an apology and started walking to him with the annoying IV stand.

"There's someone here to see you, but you need to change first." He said and walked back in the elevator.

Since he pointed out my cold clothes, I started to shiver, my teeth shook and clattered. The elevator moved down each level, but it seemed slow. I sometimes forget that this tower is basically a skyscraper. When we finally arrived at my floor, Tony uncharacteristically blocked me from view of everyone else. The stand made no noise, which was a relief.

I wondered who the visitor was. It better not be that therapist again. I still don't trust her one bit. I was led to my room, Tony leaving me to change. I couldn't change with the IV, so I pulled it out. I didn't feel much because my arm was already numb from the cold. I went over to my closet, wobbling on my legs, finding a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt, putting my hoodie over it.

I was tempted to take a shower before I changed, but I decided against it. I still have my bandages, so putting soap in my stitches wasn't a good idea. After I changed, I took in a deep breath and opened my bedroom door.

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