His Pack

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Please read my other book 'Payback' you can find it on my profile.


Chapter 1~ Shorty

Ashley's POV

"Do I really have to go to school mum?" my mum turns to me shocked on her face like I just said something stupid. Maybe i just scared her because I just scared myself.

What am I saying I love school never missed a day.

"Are you ok? I thought you loved school because even when you were sick when you where little you know before you found out about your past and now... umm...yeah. Never mind, honey are you sure you don't what to go to school?" my mom doesn't like to talk about how I can change. And I don't blame her because I don't either.

"No, mom I'm fine I actually don't know why I said that?"

"Ok, and can you do me a favor?"

Ok that was weird my mom only asks that when its important.

"Yeah, mom what do you need?" I try to force a smile because she know that I think it's weird when she says 'can you do me a favor'.

"Well, I was just wondering if you could give the new neighbors son a ride? And help him to all of his classes?" the new neighbors son is HOT. Like I mean really, really hot. So I try to hind from my mom that I'm smiling inside and saying'OMG! of course mom he is hot!" but instead I say,

"Yeah, sure no problem mum when is he going to be ready?"

Oh yeah, playing it smooth.Way to to go Ashley.

"At 7."my mom say walking out but stops at the door. "Oh and Ashley, be nice."then she walks out

Oh I'll be nice really nice. I smile at that thought knowing that I'm going to make a fool out of myself. I walk to my phone to see what time it is and it says,

6:00 am

Wednesday, November 19

Ok so it's 6:00 and I have to drive him at 7:00 so that gives me an hour to get ready and eat breakfast. I take a towel and enter the bathroom to take a shower.

After I get out I realize that I forgot my clothes. So great I have my window open and I don't have blinds and the worst thing is that the 'new guys' room is right there so he could easily see me. so I hope that he doesn't see me so I tighten the towel around me and open the door and then i step out, right when I thought that he could never see me he is right there fixing his bed.

And OMG! my clothes are right there by the window! OMG this can not get any embarrassing. So I race to get the black shirt that says 'I have 99 problems and U won't be one' and then some dark blue jeans.

And then right when I grab the clothes a husky, voice says" Umm. I think you should start changing in the bathroom. You know since now I'm your neighbor and sorry but I don't want a show from you shorty." I look up at him and then I can feel my checks getting hot.

"Sorry, I forgot I left my clothes here. Wait did you just called me shorty?" I completely forget that I only have a towel, bra, and a underwear on and then all of the hot blood that was there in my cheeks just got cold I was mad at the son of the good looking angle!

I can see him smiling. God his smile is amazing."Sorry, shorty it's just that I can tell because the window is much bigger then you chola." He did not just go there and being the musure person I am I close the window with one hand and look at him and stick my tongue out at him and toke my close and when inside the bathroom and locked the door.

He called me SHORTY! and chola but I don't mind being called 'chola'.


I'm getting along with this hottie just fine.

OMG! I have to drive him to school today!

Can this day get any better!

After I am ready and all. I head down stairs to eat and then I find 'New Guy' sitting at the table. But why it's only 6:50?

"Honey, hi I invited Jacob here for Breakfest." she say smiling and that's when I look at him and he turns around and stands up offering to shake hands with me and my eyes widen as to how tall he is but that's not all, his muscular body is so fit its like before he moved here he lived in the gym."Hi." I say widening my eyes and then I reach out to shake hands with his but right when are hands touch there is this big static- no literally it looked like a little lighting bolt was in our hands.

"Ow! I....I...um...sorry I don't know what happened." we are both confused as to what just happened.

"Well why don't we start on breakfast."my mom says smiling at us. In return me and Jacob smile back at her.

Before we sit and when my mom goes and gets the food Jacob chuckles and says "Told you were short, shorty." I just smirk at him. Now hating how he is right.

"Perv." I say giving him a mean look.

"Hey it wasn't my fault that I saw you in a towel and don't get mad because the person that should be mad should be me since I didn't get a show."

That perv! If only he wasn't good looking then I could be mad at him. But instead I shake my head smiling at him. What talk about bipolar. Didn't he say he didn't want a show.

"I think we are going to be friends shorty." he says smiling at me, God please help me his smile is just breath taking.

"Yeah, I think so to perv." I say smiling at him.

After breakfast,we say are goodbyes to my mom and she tells Jacob "Good luck on your first day of school and if Ashley is mean to you then tell me and she will get punished okay?"

Jacob chuckles at this and says "Okay, I will tattle tell on her if she is bulling me and you will be the first to know." I laugh at that. And then my mom stars at me and says "Be nice. And don't hurt him because if you do I will take pictures of all your ex boyfriends and then right is bold letters'Ashley use to go out with this boy and you can see she has bad taste in boys'" my mouth just dropped and then I come to my senses and realize that I have to be nice to him but then I realize that my mom is talking "Oh and Jacob you will be allowed to help me set it all up." and I turn to look at what he is going to say "I will be gladly to help you." I can't take no more I just walk out because when my mom says stuff like that she means it. I can't believe this.

I hear foot steps behind me and I turn to see who it is and he comes to me and says "Sorry, I really am but I really think your moms likes me."

"Yeah, whatever are you ready?" I ask not mad anymore because its really hard to be mad at him. I guess I'm just irritated.

He smiles and says "I'm ready now are you?" I then smile.

"I'm ready lets go" I say now walking to the car.


Hello my fellow readers you all are amazing and I want to know if u guys and girls out there liked it and if you didn't please tell me why and I will be updating every other day and also if you want a shout out in one of my chapters.

This was a short short story because this is only my second book ever sooo.

So bye to all of my shortys out their and even if you aren't short your my shorty.

Hey and also can people out there help me find a better cover please and thank you.

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