The Sex God

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Chapter 4- You are only mine

Ashley's POV

You know that feeling inside your tummy, some people call it 'butterflies' -but for some random reason I feel a lot worst, I have never felt this way and something inside me -I think my gut- tells me that it has to be because he is looking at me.

Jacob Gray is looking at me.

I try my best to not look back at him because everything inside me tells that he is not normal and it makes me worry that I might be losing my marbles (1). So I step into my class and head straight to my seat I know a lot of people but I try to avoid them because to me I think they are all annoying. That's why I stick to 4 friends.

But it might turn into 5 with Jacob.

I sit down and try to avoid any social talking and hope to the world that I don't see Author.

The crazy ex-boyfriend of mine. And when I mean crazy ex I mean like one day he thinks we are still together next day asking why we broke up.

Speak off the devil and he shall appear. "Hey amor."(2) Author has dark brown hair, and he is pitch white. he is loving and kind don't get me wrong but at other times he is a big time jerk.

"Don't call me 'amor'." great today is one of the days he thinks I'm his girl friend. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore." I hate it when he called me
'Amor' because he doesn't even mean it.

"You are my girlfriend and you will stay my girlfriend got it." He said that in the most hashed way that it seemed to look like a threat to me. But he can never make my scared of him. Oh have I mention one tiny problem with him? Well, HE IS A COMPLETE LUNATIC!

All tho I wasn't scared of what he said I was mad! Who does he think he is to talk to me like that. I slowly got up and looked him in his black eyes. "Was that a threat?" he stiffened but before I could punch him all the way across the room.

"Why the hell are you that close to her?"


Author didn't flinch and he didn't look away he just kept looking at me. Jacob toke a step closer. "Is he bothering you?" The question was for me. I looked at him "No," I looked back at Author and he was still staring at me.
"But he is going to stay away from me." I was getting ready to sit back down but an arm wrapped around my waist and when I turn to see who the person was that grabbed my waist but I already knew because Jacob wouldn't touch me anymore because every new spot that he touch would feel like a little lightening bolt just hurt us.

So it had to be Author.

With out telling him I punched him. But I wasn't the only one here who was hurting him no. Jacob got him off the floor and pinned him to the wall. And may I add I have incredible strength so, yes, he did actually got punched about 5 feet back.

Oh we'll he had it coming.

"Don't you ever touch her like that ever again." Jacob had Author pinned down hard against the wall and now people were staring. I walked to Jacob. I could see he was mad, but why? I guess it's because we are neighbors. I looked at Author and saw a black eye. But then guilt got to me I felt bad I'm a good person not a bad person unless I don't like you or you stoled my skittles ( cough, cough Jacob kinda stoled my skittles but this is a another way to forgive him. You know helping me beat the living hell out of my ex boyfriend ) so he is forgiven.

I saw Author shake his head. I didn't want Jacob to get in trouble so I had to break it up. "I think I punched him hard enough Jacob you can let him go now." Jacob looked at me. "Are you sure? Because I can still hurt him for you if you want me to." I think I just saw Jacob sweet side. I nodded at him. "Yeah, I'm sure I think I kinda already hurt him."

I looked towards Author. He looked at me with his eyes being coal black. "No shit." I giggled at this for about 2 seconds. "Ok let him go Jake I think he gets the message."

Ok call me a perv all you want but I just had to check out Jacob. So thank God that he was looking at Author deciding if he should let him go or just punch him. Alot of girls were checking him out not just me okay. But here is the awesome part about my reaction I didn't faint! And I'm glad for that because 2 girls just fainted right now and that was so funny cause there boyfriends were right beside them.

Jake let go of Author but then turned to me "You really do have bad taste in boyfriends." he had to bring that up.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes at him and turned to go to my seat. I could hear foot steps behind me. I felt the lighting bolt again but this time it was on my arm. I flinched back. I knew who did that.


"God Jacob we have to tell each other when we are going to touch each other." did I just say that oh god. "Sorry I forgot." to get pay back I touch his arm back and now he felt the lighting bolt. "Ow what was that for!" ha feel the pain that you just gave me.

"Well you did it to me!"

"So! I did it by accident."

"Well I did it by accident too then."

"Lire." he touched my other arm

"Ow." I touched his head.

"Ow." he touched my cheek.

"Ugh." we were now touching each other -in appropriate places for you dirty minded humans.

I touched his cheek.

He touched my other cheek.

I face palmed him.

He face palmed me.

"OW" we said at the same time.


"Are you saying I'm not sexy?" I just figured out that Jacob does not like being called ugly. And Seth is about to notice that he just made a mistake.

"No. Well kinda since I am sexy-er then you so...." uh-oh big mistake Seth.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" oh god why can't I have a non-sexual lunch. Jacob is going to challenge him. Why did a girl have to come up to Jacob while he was sitting eating lunch.

"Guys, Emily, and Carrol, and I are kinda sitting here and saying that you two are sexy is just going to make everyone at this table puke. Face it you two are no where near sexy." oh I was so beyond wrong Jake is SEXY. And even tho' Seth is my boy-bestfriend I even thought he was sexy. "Oh so you are on his side on calling me 'not sexy'.I'm very hurt. But not as hurt as you when you see me eating your skittles." OH MY GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT MY BABY'S! "No! I didn't say that. You are right you are sexy as hell just don't eat my mine skittle baby's."

"Wait so you call him 'sexy' but you call me 'ugly'." I think I offended Seth. Oh well I'll make it up to him.

"Sorry but when my skittles are on the line I will do anything." I look at Jacob and see him only staring back a little amusement. A-hole. "What?" What the hell did I do! ugh! can you fvcken stop staring at me you good-looking angel! Oh god I would never tell him that.

"Here is the deal, you say I'm sexy and mean it ill give your skittles back to you." wait what did he just tell me to call him sexy and mean it to him.

"Okay." I guess it's time to mess with him to.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Im sexy."

"Really now you have to say I'm a sex god." CRAP!

"Ok. I'm a sex god." it's not like I was lying. ( wink, wink )


Hey! my beautiful readers here is the glossary for those words:

(1) marbles: my way of saying mind.

(2) amor: it means love in Spanish

I'm awkward like that.

I don't know why but this chapter was so difficult for me. Anyway hope you enjoy!

-the awesome person

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