Going To School

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**Warning**(Bad words here)

Chapter 2~ Going To School

Jacob's POV

"WILL YOU SLOW THE HELL DOWN! IM GOING TO THROW UP! OR DIE! I CAN'T DIE ASHLEY IM TO HOT AND SEXY!" Man this girl drives so fast and IM SCARED! I have never in my life been scared! I need to make a plan to get out of this car.

Before I left I asked how long it takes to get to school and Ashley's mom said '25-30 mins. honey'. Oh god! I have about 20 mins away and I NEED to get out! Maybe when the next stop light came I can just out, but what is she locks the door? Quickly I made share that it was open.

"Yo, Jacob will you take a chill pill!"Ashely looks at me and bust out laughing.

"Shorty! YOUR GOING 40MIL'S PER HR! AND THAT RIGHT THERE IS NOT THE BEST PART, NO THE BEST PART IS THAT WE ARE IN A FVCKEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ZOON!Her jaw clenched and I guess it's because I just called her shorty. But in by defense she kinda was. I think she was about 5'7 an I was just 6'2.I just notice she has a short temp-

"Ow! what was that for?!" I was now rubbing my arm. this girl was strong- wait I wasn't suppose to feel that why did I feel that I can only feel pain from other people like me like people who could change? 'Jacob you are over-reacting maybe she is really fit?' but maybe she can change like me? Wait am I really talking to myself?

I must have been really distracted because she just pulled into a parking lot at a park and then she got out but she turned around. "Are you coming?" I didn't realize that I still had on my seat belt. I turned to her. "Yeah?" why were we here wait is she going to kill me! I didn't think it angered her that much that I called her 'shorty'. I got out and made my way to her side of the car. She wouldn't kill me would she-

"I'm not going to kill you Jacob." I could hear her chuckle. Wait what! she could hear my thoughts she is lying right? omg god she can read my thoughts! but how does she have some kind of-

"Yes I can read your thoughts and yes I have powers." OMG is this really happening-

"Kidding just kidding gosh what have I said about taking a chill pill?" she turns around and throws something at me and I look down and find my favorite kind of candy I'm in love with this kind of candy so much that I have a secret stash hidden in my room full of skittles. And I think I just found hers.

"Why are we here?" I'm still confused as to why we are here.

"Well as you can see I have a stash here and it's full of skittles and I am in love with them so to keep them safe I park the car here about 10 mins away from school to keep them very safe."

"Well I don't think that you should have told me that because guess what I'm in love with these suckers too so thank you oh and what direction is school?" I could see the shock in her face I bit my lip from laughing.

"To the right then take a left and there is the school-" I turned to the right and started to walk away but then-

"Wait! where in the hell are you taking my skittles?"

"Well shorty why did you think I was asking where the directions to the school is from and did you not hear me say that 'I'm in love with these'?" I turn again but this time I started to run. I turn around and then I guess she figured it out. she was yelling behind me and was running.

"STOP!OH MY GOSH! JAKE IM NEVER GOING TO TRUST YOU EVER AGAIN YOU SON OF A UGLY REBLE!" Hold up did she just called me ugly! I was not ugly I was sexy maybe even more then sexy! That's when I stopped and turned around and raised my hand up high for she could not reached.

"Did you just called me ugly?" I looked in her eyes her dark brown eyes then I notice she was smiling at me.

"Yes, yeah I think I did and what are you going to do about it Jake huh?"

"Well it makes me happy that we are on base names," I smile down her and then she smirked at me. "I'm going to open them and eat them now and I will only give them back if you take calling me ugly back and say 'Jake is very sexy' because please we both know that I am sexy."

"Please I will NEVER say that." I stepped closer to her so we could be face to face.

"Say it." I say in one of my deep voice.







"Ashley?" I turn around and see 4 teenagers there.

Well I guess we made it to school.

I take the skittles and put the in the pocket of my jeans then looked at Ashley "Your getting them back at the end of the day and that is if I hear what we just talked about." I winked at her then I turned to face 4 very shocked faces.

"Umm hey, I'm Jacob or you could just call me Jake." I could see there faces still shocked but why? "umm can someone please till me why all of you are staring at me?"

"Oh umm sorry my name is Emily and this is Carrol." She pointed to a girl that is about 6' she has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair and her skin is peach and her cheeks are pink. And then Emily looks like Ashley and Carrol but both pretty she has dark brown eyes and her hair is dark brown too and her skin is peach.

"And me and Carrol are staring at you because your pretty hot but the boys are probably staring at you for a different reason." she looks at the boys for an answer and I look at Ashley and then she meets my eyes.

"Told you so." and she just smirked at me. I turn to see the boys for an answer.

"Hi, I'm Seth and this is Jason." Seth has dark brown hair and eyes and has peach skin but his is a little darker then the girls Jason looks the same and I just notice that they are brothers but there not twins.

"If you have not already guessed we are brothers and the reason we are staring is because you just toke skittles away from Ashley and nobody has ever done that before."

Aww don't I feel special.

"Well bye!" Ashley said that as if she did not want to see me.

"Not so fast shorty you have to show me to all of my classes."

"HA! Says who?"

"Says me and your mom. Or should I be helping your mom with the wrighting and the tape?" I chuckle and toke her hand "Come on you know you want to,-" I look back and turn to her friends. "you guys want to come and watch me make her world a living hell?"

Seth smiled "Welcome to are talented group!" and the others said "Lets go!"

I can tell all of us are going to be very close friends, but I think me and Ashley are going to be closer.

But one one question pops in my head.

Why is my heart beating to fast.

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