chapter I

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hey guys! this is my first fan fiction and of course it had to be about solangelo, my otp. this story contains major spoilers for The Burning Maze so do not read if you don't want to spoil it for yourself. i repeat it CONTAINS SPOILERS. aaaanyways, enjoy my (crappy) story!

edit: ok i read this again and oml its so bad i cant. i edited some parts but noT much bc i was way too lazy.

nico pov 
i was in the hades cabin, sitting on my coffin-like bed with will laying on my lap. i ran my hand through is golden hair as will was saying some random shit.

"nico, i'm telling you, you are basically keith!"

i sighed. ever since he started to watch Voltron on his phone, he hasn't stopped telling me how much i look and act like one of the characters, keith. (A/N in case you were wondering, Leo and some of his siblings made phones for everyone that don't attract monsters.)

"for the last time, i am not keith," i said.

"come on, death boy, you can't argue with me.  you haven't even watched it."

"fine," i kissed his cheek, which caused his freckles to literally glow. "maybe i'll watch it someday and i'll see if i really am keith."

will smiled, and i couldn't help but smile back and stare into his ocean eyes that i have grown to love.

i leaned down and pressed my lips onto his. we have kissed many times before, but i still got the same feeling each time we did. it felt as if nothing else in the world mattered anymore as i was kissing his warm, soft lips. it always sent a chill down my spine and filled me with happiness, a feeling i haven't felt often since bianca died.

as i pulled away, i heard commotion outside of the cabin. will got up from my lap and we both walked over to the window to see what was happening. the first thing that i saw was a huge bronze dragon, festus. all of a sudden a voice cut through the air, "THEY'RE HERE!"

"who's here?" i asked to no one in particular.

"apollo and meg, maybe?" responded will.

"yeah, probably. but why is festus there? is leo here?"

"how about we stop asking each other questions and go find out ourselves, death boy."

"that makes sense," i said as i ran out the door.

when we got there, sure enough it was meg mccaffrey and apollo. although it just wasn't them, standing next to apollo was piper, leo, and grover.

"what are you guys doing here?" asked kayla, directing the question towards leo, piper, and grover. "not that i'm complaining or anything."

i scanned their faces and knew something went wrong. all of their eyes showed pain and sadness. and most worrisome of all, leo wasn't joking around, and he didn't have a grin on his face like he always did. he looked absolutely broken, along with piper.

i must have made some expression because will held my hand, something he always did when he saw that i was worried, angered, or sad.

"you okay?" asked will.

"yeah, i'm fine. it's just that-" i got cut off by the 'power couple' aka percy and annabeth's yelling.

"GROVER!" yelled percy and annabeth as they sprinted towards him. they practically tackled him in a hug.

"we haven't seen you in years!" exclaimed annabeth.

"i missed you so much," said percy.

when they pulled away, they must have seen that something was wrong. grover had a smile on his face and he seemed totally pumped, but his eyes said otherwise.

annabeth raised an eyebrow while she was scanning leo, piper, grover, apollo, and meg's faces. "somethings wrong. what happened?"

it felt as if my stomach dropped to the ground. i knew that feeling all too well. that always happened when someone i knew was facing my father, getting judged whether to be put in elysium, fields of asphodel, or the fields of punishment. i saw a glimpse into the underworld and saw no one else other than—

i fell backwards in surprise and everyone turned to look at me. leo must have knew what i had sensed because he nodded at me as if saying 'yeah, he is dead.'

will helped me up and said, "hey, what's wrong?" i didn't respond, i just stared at everyone that had just returned with wide eyes.

"no. it can't be. he can't be dead," i said.

everyone gathered around me and started asking questions.

"who's dead?"

"did you sense a death?"

"what happened?"

i collapsed to my knees and put my hands on my ears as a tear ran down my cheek. i accidentally summoned a skeleton and everyone backed away from me.

my heart shattered into a million pieces for the second time. the first was when when bianca died, and now, it felt as if i lost her again. i couldn't hear anything but my own deep breaths. i started to hyperventilate. thousands of thoughts ran through my head.


he's not dead.

it's impossible.

it can't be.

he was my best friend other than will.

he was like my brother.

and now.

he's gone.

will put his hand on my back but i shoved it off of me. i stopped hyperventilating and i looked up at leo and the others. they were sobbing uncontrollably.

"jason," i said to myself.

"he's dead," choked out piper in between sobs.

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