kind-of-not-really-chapter XVIII

343 16 11

2/01/20  9:53pm
third person pov
two years ago it all ended.

two years ago, camp half-blood was destroyed. and nobody couldn't do anything about it.

thalia read the tombstones, each one more depressing than the last. almost two thirds of the demigod population was gone. she couldn't bare that thought.

she ran her hand along a tombstone.

leonidas valdez 'repair boy'

son of hephaestus, jokester of the seven, hero

killed by a sphinx

"i try not to think. it interferes with being nuts."



jason grace 'blond superman'

son of jupiter, former praetor of the twelfth legion, hero

stabbed by caligula

"we're going to defeat gaea. all seven of us are going to come back alive. i promise you."



perseus jackson 'seaweed brain'

son of poseidon, mightiest of all heroes, loyal to friends and family, survivor of tartarus, lover of annabeth chase

sacrificed himself to save girlfriend

"the whole world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive."



annabeth chase 'wise girl'

daughter of athena, wisest of all, survivor of tartarus, hero, lover of perseus jackson

took her own life after the final battle, died of a broken heart

"even strength has to bow down to wisdom sometimes."


each tomb was decorated with what they loved. percy's had blue, water, and an yankees cap that resembled annabeth. leo's had fire, machinery, and oil.

annabeth and percy were buried so close to each other, it seemed as if they were hugging underground, which thalia thought as sweet.

the list went on, hundreds of tombs across the land, the fog covering some of them. the petals of wilted flowers, swaying in the wind.

thalia kept on walking, tears falling from her eyes, when she came across two particular tombs that stood out to her.

one was bright yellow, the other a pitch black.

william solace 'sunshine'

son of apollo, best healer, brought happiness to everyone, lover of nico di angelo

stabbed by minotaur

"please, don't take-"


thalia was confused as to why the quote was unfinished. she read the next tombstone and it all got put together.

nicolas di angelo 'death boy'

son of hades, hero, lover of william solace

stabbed by a traitor, daniel vasquez

"-my sunshine away."


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