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   hey guys! so far only 3 people have read the first chapter that i published yesterday, but i'm making this in case other people start to read this story later on.

   i know that my writing is pretty crappy and all that, but i'll try my hardest to make it actually good. i'm new to writing fan fictions so please comment if you see any mistakes like spelling errors. if you feel like the story is moving along too slow or too fast, tell me as well.

   i'll try to publish one chapter each day not including the author notes. i might not publish one a day because exams are coming up as well as band auditions so i'm going to be fairly busy, but i'll try my hardest to make time for this story.

   also this is unrelated to everything but- the. burning. maze. oh my gods that book literally tore my heart to shreds. i did not expect anyone from the seven to die. and of all people it had to be JASON! imagine how sad thalia will be when she finds out that her brother is dead. imagine percy when he realizes that he will never see his bro again. jdiedkcnskxnalksf. and i know that only grover went back to camp half blood at the end of the book but i decided to have everyone go back in my story so that it can cause something to happen.

   anyways, i hope you enjoy my story, all three people that have read it as well as others (hopefully) in the future.

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