chapter XII

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hey guys! so there were exams today and i didn't study at all, but wowww. it was really easy, surprisingly. and that's coming from me, with a B or C average.
6/24/18  10:48pm
will pov
i walked up to the door of the hades cabin and knocked, hoping nico would answer.

one day ago, we made up. he didn't break up with me, thank the gods, but he said he wanted some space for a while.

i didn't want a week to go by without talking like it did before, so i decided to drop by now.

it was about 50 minutes past curfew, but i couldn't stand to not see nico. seriously, why can i not stand a day without him, but go a week without seeing him?

i knocked again, then i heard a voice from behind the door. "hold up, i need to find something!"

i sighed and after what seemed like a day, he opened the door.

"hey sunshine," nico said. "i wasn't expecting you to be honest."

nico looked absolutely adorable. he had an oversized my chemical romance shirt so big that it reached his knees, sweatpants, and very messy hair that suited him. i must have stared for a while, because he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"hello? earth to will?" he teased.

"ah, sorry. i just couldn't get over how cute you looked."

nico grinned. "yeah, i know."

i rolled my eyes then walked into his cabin. one of the lightbulbs was missing, therefore it was dim and just added to the 'vampire' look of the cabin.

i pointed at the place where the lightbulb was supposed to go. "what happened there?"

nico closed the door and sat on the bed. "oh, that? percy and i were hanging out one day and we were recreating vines. it was that one that said 'kevin, watch the light dude.'" nico stopped and started to chuckle.

"then percy literally broke the lightbulb, it was on accident though."

i laughed, but nico must have seen that i was slightly jealous because percy was always with him.

"hey, no need to worry about me and percy. percy and i would never do that to our significant other."

"i know," i said.

nico turned away and mumbled something. i could have sworn i heard him say, "unlike other people i know."

i sat down next to him and held his hand. "so i assume you don't need anymore time?"

nico shook his head. "it was hard when i saw you, you know, but then you gave me a reason as to why, so i guess i understand."

i nodded. "i don't know how many times i've said this, but i'm sorry. i deserved that beating from annabeth."

"you did actually. i really feel like i should punch you or something along that line, but i won't. at least, not now."

"wow, thanks death boy. how about if annabeth comes to beat me again, i'll just let it happen, and you don't punch me."

nico looked at me in shock. "you would let annabeth beat you again? dam, you know she could really pack a punch."

"i know, i'm just really sorry for what i did. i would even let reyna do it."

nico scoffed. "that's basically a death wish, solace."

"i deserve it, i'm really so-"

nico put his finger to my lips. "stop. don't you dare say sorry again. i'm sick of it."

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