chapter XVI

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hey guys. sorry i didn't publish yesterday...again. i've been rushed and i'm thinking that this book will be coming to an end soon so enjoy. 
6/26/18 12:01pm
will pov
as we were walking to the hades cabin, i heard all of the commotion behind us.

i smirked, knowing that everyone was fussing over the little fight nico and daniel had. i knew that nico would beat him easily. but i didn't think he would beat him that easily.

i laced my hand into nico's, his hands rough from all his sword training.

we got to the cabin and i opened the door for him. "after you, my lady," i teased.

instead of walking through the door and thanking me like a normal person, he decided to shove me inside the cabin and hold the door for himself.

"meanie," i said to him.

"i was not going to let you hold the door for me after you called me my lady."

"whatever," i said, laying down on his bed.

nico shoved me aside once again. why is he so vicious?

"move over," he told me.

i sat down, my back leaning against the headrest, while nico had his head on my lap.

he stared me and i studied his face.

his dark brown eyes were easy to get lost in. people are always saying brown eyes are boring, but i think otherwise.

his eyes were as rich as soil from the ground, with flecks of black, complementing the lighter hues. they had a mischievous glint to them that i knew all to well. it seemed impossible that nico could be portrayed scary at this moment; that his face can harden at any second.

"you look weird from this angle," nico said.

of course. nico just had to ruin the moment. that was practically one of his hobbies from how many times he did it.

"you just had to say something didn't you? we couldn't just stare at each other for as long as we wanted."

nico shook his head, and his lips formed in a lopsided smile.

nico flopped over and buried his face in a pillow. "i'm bored," he said. though it was muffled, due to him talking in the pillow.

a brilliant idea popped into my mind. i knew how much everyone missed jason. everyone's acting as if it didn't happen, putting on fake smiles even though they are broken inside.

i haven't even seen leo or piper since his death. they were his closest friends, basically siblings. i wonder how they were doing.

"everyone misses jason. i know you do too, even if you don't show it. i'll give you permission to use your underworld voodoo to summon jason. i'll get piper, leo, annabeth, and percy."

nico picked his head up and nodded.

"i'll be right back."

i walked out the door and headed to the athena cabin. i arrived there and i was met with a pair of green eyes.

"can i help you? we're kind of busy right now." the girl said.

"i'm looking for annabeth."

"she's not here. she's with percy, in his cabin."

i sighed and thanked her for letting me know. i got to the poseidon cabin and i didn't even bother to knock.

i opened the door to see percy and annabeth sitting on the bed next to each other. percy had an arm wrapped around annabeth while she leaned into him.

"hey guys. sorry for interrupting. i just wanted to mention that nico is going to summon jason so come to the hades cabin."

percy rubbed circles on annabeth's back, whispering things in her ear. annabeth looked up, and i realized she was crying.

"look, will. we both want to see jason, but not right now."

what? they don't want to see jason? i mean, he's dead, and they don't want to see him?

annabeth must have read my expression, and she answered the question i wanted to ask.

"i'm kind of anxious right now," she said while wiping away her tears. "we are suspecting a full blown attack here at camp. it's going to be like the battle of manhattan, or worse. from what we predict, it's going to happen this week. hopefully we're wrong. i really don't want a battle to happen again."

i stared at annabeth in shock. there was going to be another war that might be worse than the battle of manhattan? that was a dark time. many people died, the camp was ruined, and the people who survived were never the same again.

"h-how? why?" i stuttered out.

percy shrugged. "we don't know why. everyone at camp knows about the incoming war and they've been training hard. meanwhile, you and nico are doing nothing except hanging out with each other all day."

"well, sorry. we didn't know that there was going to be a war."

"yeah. annabeth and i were just about to go to the training arena. you guys should go too," percy said while running his hand through his messy, jet black hair.

"i've got to tell nico this."

i swiftly walked out of the cabin door and started my way to where nico was at.

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