Chapter VI - Introduction

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"Carmina hurry up! Everyone's dressed and you're still there?"

"Almost done!" I shouted in disgust. My parents are control freak, ugh, as if the park will go anywhere if we're kinda late. I slipped on shoes and walk out.

Being the first child doesn't seem to be so appealing most especially if they are fond of dictating on what you are going to do.

"Ate Car don't you think we're old enough for this?" My little sister asked. Actually, I wasn't fond of this get-together but my parents insisted to do this.

When we arrived, they set up the mat for the four of us. They seemed happy so I just go with the flow. When I got the chance to stroll, I was more than giddy. They were too fast to decide because they missed my younger sister since she lived with my auntie, I still don't know why but that's the set up ever since she turned six years old. She's the main reason why we're here in the park.

I looked around and noticed how peaceful the place is if it wasn't for the children who are running after another. I went to a wishing well and I smiled weakly remembering how I used to wish before. I admire my old self for having faith in everything, now, I could barely trust people. I learned how to distance myself from everyone because that's how we are in the house. I could never call it home because love doesn't exist there.

"Mama! Stop it!" I heard giggles and my eyes darted to a kid and a mother who continuously tickling her child. It was lovely scenery and I couldn't help but admire their family because the father is laughing while watching his wife and child. I looked at the child, she's probably 9 years old. She's a pretty kid with two adorable dimples, I became jealous all of a sudden.

"Stop sketching then, you have to spend time with us." The mother spoke still tickling the girl. I smiled and leave the place, they are too close with each other, I hope I have that relationship with my Mom too.

I came back to the place where my family is located. They are packing already, I guess they got bored because they are not used to be together. I smirked, so glad that we'll head home already. While walking, I saw a sketchpad at the ground where I have seen the happy family a while ago. I picked it up and picked up my pace so I'll be at my little sister's side.

~End of flashback


When I reached the age of 25, I moved out of the house and bought a house. My salary as a teacher as well as a little help from my rich parents gave me the chance to buy a house. As odd as it seems, they are glad that I'm moving out already because they want me to be independent.

My little sister is a teacher too and of course, our parents disapprove it because no one will take over the business. It's their fault, they had been too selfish and forgot that they have children to guide. Now that we are old enough, no one could dictate what we are supposed to do. She's living with my auntie's house but when our auntie passed away, we chose to teach at the same school. I opted to live with her instead of buying another house. My previous house is being taken care of someone that I personally chose.

I slumped on my bed while thinking of my first day in Valley High. I was so excited to mingle with my new students but something unexpected happened. As the principal talked about Mr. Henarez quitting the job, a particular student captivated my full attention. She has this long silky hair and dark brown eyes that mirrored mine.

She's staring at me with great intensity and it seems like she's having trouble with breathing. I noticed that blood is starting to pour out from her pointed nose and I panicked. I rushed towards her just in time she lost her consciousness. She might not know it but I managed to catch her before she lands on the tiled floor. The students were amazed by how fast I reacted and that's how they gave me the first impression.

I was intrigued by her. I couldn't put a word on it but there's this invisible energy that seems to draw me to her. She's a magnificent girl and as much as I don't want to admit it, it's the truth. I remember how she trembled from my touch when I gave her a ride. There's this sensation building inside me that I don't want to recognize.

Astonishment is what I felt about how brave she was to get close to me when she kissed me. It's not my first kiss of course but she awakened something in me that I couldn't even distinguish. It was like having a freshly brewed coffee on a winter which means having something great after an avalanche of problems, it scares me. She seems to know me so well that's why I always do my best to study her when she's around but always failing miserably. I'm keeping my composure so that she won't think of how stupid I was sometimes.

I stepped out from the bathroom after an hour of being on the tub, thinking. I got tired of just lying on my bed. I grab sweatpants and tank top, I like comfortable clothes here at home. I slipped on my slippers and comb my hair. I so love combing my hair because it relaxes me in an amazing way. I was enjoying the moment when I heard shuffling downstairs, particularly in the kitchen. I frowned, my sister is spending the night with a friend and she couldn't be here this early. As much as I don't want to leave my comb, I get up from sitting position and walk as quietly as possible. I know basic self-defense so I don't have to worry about unwanted visitors. The front door is locked so I doubt that assumption.

I could see a silhouette as I get closer to the target. It looks like a girl because of the long hair that cascading down that tickles my vision. When I reached the counter, I almost think it's Carla because of the shape of her body and I cursed myself internally on how stupid I was. Why will she be here? God, why am I even thinking about her in this kind of situation? Ever since I met her, I am failing to understand my own self and it's not a good thing.

I cleared my throat to get the attention of the person but she didn't even bulge. My forehead creased but noticed the wire connecting to her ears, she's on her headset. I was on my way to capture the stranger but the telephone rang. I studied her features and figured that she's harmless because of how she's dressed. She's just on a simple shirt and short shorts, my eyes traveled towards her long legs but the telephone is irritating me. Since she seems safe, I went to the living room and answered the call.

It was my sister telling me she won't be home until tonight and before I even manage to ask on who else has keys to this very house except from the two of us, she hangs up. Great, just great.

I was about to turn around when I heard someone screaming my sister's name and I felt a pair of hands hugging me from the back. The action sent volts of electricity through my veins and as odd as it may seem, I found it comforting.

The person who caused turmoil with my body pulled away and I turned around in reflex. My body grew numb at the sight that welcomed me and surprise is written on the face of the person who just hugged me.

"Miss Villanueva?!"


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