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First day of Junior year.


New classes.

New teachers.

Same people. Same rumors. Same abuse.

I push open the doors of McKinley High and am greeted with the same hustle and bustle as every school year starts out with. Everyone excited to return to their social cliques and make other lives a living hell.

Pulling up my hood and avoiding eye contact, I make my way down the hall, only to be stopped by a group of dick head jocks.

"Heyyy Brianna," Phil Lipoff, one of the jocks sneered, "How was your summer? Jamming those sausage thighs into swimsuits?"

This jab caused the whole clan to snicker and high five themselves.

My response?

Continue looking at the ground, hoping they would move on soon.

"Well cow, it was nice talking." Phil said after receiving no response from me. The clan then pushed me to the ground as they strutted down the hallway.

After being stepped on quite a few times by inattentive students, I pulled myself up from the ground and made my way to my locker.

As I opened the metal cage that had held my books for the past two years, someone called my name.

In hindsight, I should have known better. Nothing good ever comes from my name being called. But, I turned in the direction of the voice, only to be hosed with two cups of cherry slushee.

"Welcome back whore." Kitty Wilde, head bitch of the cheerleading squad said as she threw her empty cup at my face.

'Well, at least nothing changed of the summer'

The first bell rang, meaning I only had 5 minutes to clean myself sufficiently and get to my first period.

Mr. Schuester's American History


I know this part kinda sucks but I'm trying to feel out how I want it to go.

Let me know what you guys think of it! Critiques welcome!

(Ps- chapter titles are songs that the glee cast has sung and matches with the theme of the chapter and I added the video from glee to each chapter on case you want to listen to it😊)

Keep Holding On (Glee/Ryder Lynn fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now