All By Myself

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Scrubbing myself up as best as I could, I walk into my 1st period 5 minutes late.

I know I should care. First impressions.... but I don't anymore.

As I walk in the room, the man who I assume to be Mr. Schuester, is writing on the board. As he doesn't see me just yet, I slip into the room.

'This never happens. You might actually get away with being late.'

I think until suddenly I hit the ground. I look to see Kitty Wilde's foot under mine, meaning she was the source of my current situation.

"Whoops," she smirked and giggled "guess you should be more careful, cow."

As I peel myself off the floor for the second time this morning, Mr. Schuester walks over to me. Sticking out his right hand, he says "nice of you to join us." Earning a few snickers from students, I quickly shake his outright hand and hurry to an open seat in the back.

"Now, as I was previously discussing before I was interrupted......."

'First day, first period and the teacher sides with the students. Great'

The rest of the period, I keep my head down on my desk. I don't want to cause anymore unnecessary harassment. When the bell finally rings, I wait in my seat. A skill I've leaned from sophomore year, let everyone leave before you.

As soon as the last student exited the classroom, I dart as quickly and as quietly as I can to my next class. And the next. And the next. And the next.

My people avoiding skills worked, until lunch.

Walking to my locker after 4th period, I knew something was up. This day was too uneventful. And sure enough, by the time I entered my locker combination, trouble arrived  in the form of football jocks. The same jerks who pushed me down earlier.

Phil approached me first out of the group by putting his hand on my locker and slamming it shut. "Now, now. We wanna have a little fun first." His menacing smile sent chills down my spine. The next boy pinned me up against the lockers while the others took turns using me as a punching bag.

One after the one, their punches came. Each hit harder than it should have. If my body wasn't already covered in bruises, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Keeping most of their hits in areas that could be covered up, the boys finished quickly. It didn't take long for them to lose their interest, especially when their punching bag could barely stand.

Now unto lunch.

Lunchtime is my only peace. I sit alone, outside, and read. As everyone else is too busy eating in those 20 minutes, there is no one to bother me.

Entering into the cafeteria, I'm hit with a plethora of food aromas.

*stomach growls *
'Shut up. You're not getting anything so stop trying.'

Getting engulfed in reading, lunch goes by quickly, as does the rest of my day. Before I know it, it's time to go home. To face my other torment.

Let me know how you guys are liking it/what I need to change!

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