The Clone

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I looked at Nina in disbelief. "W...What..?"

Nina looked away, and I felt anger rise in me.

"Look at me!" I yelled. When she did, I saw the tears begin in her eyes. "What do you mean that you're my mother!? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Us Dryads are the tree people. And trees tend to live an exceptionally long time. It's because of it that my body is that of a teenager. But in a way, I'm like Vistra. I'm a lot older then I look."

I looked at her in distrustful shock as she continued on.


"Forty years go," Nina began, looking at the floor. "I met a human man. He knew about my true identity, but fell in love with me despite my childlike body. Five years later, we moved away from civilization. We got married and had children. Our first child was a beautiful little girl named Kaylin. Our second, was a boy named Lawrence."

Wait... that means I was born thirty five years ago? What the hell!?

Maybe I just look young because of of some Dryad genes I inherited?

But then that means that I really did have a brother... I thought I had made him up in my head...

"When my first child became fifteen, or twenty years ago, the human species war was well underway. The research facility in which I worked in, mostly composed of creatures wishing to bring back the dead king of monsters, wanted to harvest all children that were the offspring of two different species. When they discovered that I had married and bed a human, they were most pleased to hear about my children."

Twenty years ago? That was the last time I was in my world before I woke up here... What happened in those twenty years that was so horrible that I can't remember it? Maybe my history isn't that simple...

"You gave us up?" I asked in spite. She looked at me, and with a sad, wry smile, nodded her head no.

"If only it was that simple. I had refused, and so, they came into my home one day while I was at work, and burned my house down, posing as human soldiers. It was the same thing that had happened to me back when I was young. They raided my house... and my family. They killed my beloved husband, and took you. Lawrence was never found."

"You... you bitch." I said angry. "If it wasn't for you... I could have lived a regular life!"

"What do you want me to tell you? " She asked becoming aggravated.

"That the military unit captured a fifteen year old girl during the war? I'll tell you about it. I'll tell you about the terrifyingly experience a girl no older then you had." Then a pause for breath.

No older then me? What does that mean? Aren't we talking about me?

Aren't I Kaylin?

"They sent her to the research department as a prisoner, only so they could take her DNA and study her, like... like she was some kind of freak! Then researchers found a unique molecule in her DNA that allowed them to begin the 'species recreation' project. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

I looked at Nina curious, now determined to hear more, or rather how she was planning to justify her actions.

"Go on."

"Oh, how about the fact that they inserted a chemical in her that turned some of genes on? That changed her... along with two surgically inserted items. They tore apart her body, and her mind. She transformed into the most powerful creature ever recorded! But it was discovered that she became defective due to of all of the experiments and was bound to die sooner then expected. Imagine living knowing that you'd die in a few mere days! It was hell!"

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