Moment of Truth

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Right in that moment, a door that I hadn't noticed before opened. In came a man who looked to be in his thirties. He had two tattoos of dragons on both of his arms that ran all the way up to his shoulders, a black tank top, and a blank expression that watched me as I finished my harsh words towards Snow.

I recognized him as someone from the memories, but I felt a strange de ja vu when I looked at him.

Do I know him from somewhere? He reminds me of someone...

"Apocalypse..." Nina said surprised. Then her eyes went wide with horror. "No! Don't take her!"

Nina flung herself in front of me and tightly gripped my arm. The man named Apocalypse continued to watch her with a blank stare.

"Let... go of me!" I snatched my arm away from Nina and pushed her back against the cornered wall in which she was chained to. Then I faced Apocalypse. "Did you do this to her?" I asked, pointing to the chains. "Did you do this to Nina?"

"I did."  He responded blandly.

I nodded my head, making up my mind. "Since you were smart enough to do this to her, I'll go wherever you need to take me."

"Snow, no!"

I looked back at Nina who was reaching for me - pressing against the chains that bound her. I looked at Nina with a face that showed my disappointment before I looked at Apocalypse. He had released me from my chains, then showed me the exit.

"Follow the red lights," Apocalypse said before he disappeared in the opposite side of the dark hallway. I looked back into the room one last time before closing the door shut behind me.

"Goodbye, Nina. I don't expect to see you again."

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"Come on! Hurry up Astrid!"

Blake looked back to see Luger badgering Astrid to hurry up. She was obviously having trouble walking, being unbalanced with her wings and all. Blake pushed Luger aside and began to help Astrid walk.

"Come on," he encouraged. "Your mistress is waiting for you."

Fyde began to run ahead on all fours and Luger did the same, while Blake and Astrid did the best they could.

Blake stopped helping Astrid and halted when he noticed Fyde and Luger had stopped.

"Guys, what's the hold up-" Blake cut himself saw Luger being held up from the ground by Apocalypse, who was grabbing him by his jaw. Fyde was panting furiously with blood all over his face, and his tail was wagging as if their was no tomorrow.

"Damn," Fyde said. "What's up with robo guy? He hasn't even broken a sweat!"

Blake began to put Astrid down to join the fight when Luger told him to stop.

"Blake... Astrid... you have to keep going!"

"Don't be an idiot!" Blake was startled to see that Luger even had the strength to free himself from Apocalypse's grasp. However, Apocalypse then punched Luger harder then before in return for getting out of earlier his grasp. Luger flew from one side of the red dark hallway to the other. The punch was so strong, that Luger flew to the wall, and it cracked behind him.

"Dumbass! Keep going!" Luger persisted.  "They're planning to kill Snow for her purity and death orbs! Go before it's too late!"

"Fool." Apocalypse murmured before turning to face them. "As if I would burden my mistress and allow you to pass."

"Go," Fyde said to Blake and Astrid. "Go save pretty miss Snow. We'll take care of this guy."

"We won't leave you-"

Astrid pinched Blake and glared at him. Blake groaned. He knew Apocalypse was stronger then even him, and the chances of Fyde and Luger taking him on and winning was low. But right now, they had to save Snow, even if it meant sacrificing the two of them for time.

"I won't forget you guys." Blake said, grabbing Astrid. Apocalypse glared at him.

"You cannot pass me." Apocalypse stated. Blake grinned before he used his special ability to speed run way past him.

"Think again buddy. I got a girl to save."

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I walked into a large cathedral looking place to where the small red lights had led me.

The ceiling was extremely distant from the floor, and looked as if it was wood. The floor was a polished stone, and all colors were either grey, black, or some forms of brown when peering inside of the cathedral.

I walked the nave, and noticed someone ahead of me.

Before the apse, a cloaked figure crouched on the choir. Upon my revival, however, the figure turned, and I bit back a surprised shriek when I saw the face.

Nina was telling the truth! I thought. Then my face softened from fear to sadness.

Nina was right... she was right and I was wrong! I need to go apologize! How could I be so cruel to her? How could I have been such a bitch?

...So what if I really am a clone?

Despite having earlier doubts about the truth value of Nina's words, all of them were eradicated when I saw the face that was watching mine. That's because it was the face of the person from which I originated from.

It was me.

It was the original Kaylin.

It was the person I was cloned after.

It was me.

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