sorrow and triggering content

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một thứ note nhỏ xinh dành cho các bạn writer

for the purpose of making this thing genuine, i shall not lengthen my point in any way, so let get straight to the matter that should not be considered as a matter: the art of sorrow and the act of aestheticizing triggering content. as a lifelong reader that sees beauty in pain and chaos, i value sad symbols which are made artistic and respect one's aesthetic choice. after all, creativity does not and should never have any barrier.

art is what pleases our senses. and sorrow is where art hides.

but the thing is, sorrow made out of triggering content such as self-harm, suicidal attempts and other mental conditions is not so pleasant. as mentioned earlier, i totally understand and respect your choice of aesthetics, the fact that you attempted to include those sensitive subjects in your works is not a big deal neither to me nor to anyone ever. aestheticizing is fine, but we all need to be aware of how devastating mental illnesses and self-destruction are to the people involved, and it's necessary to all of us to carefully present the matter they have to face as we, from deep down, show our respect.

at the end of the day, fictional world is full of idealizing concepts, but don't keep it as your excuse.

what are you guys' views over this? tell me what you think in the comment, i would love to hear them.

bơ is out.

bơ chấm gì trên wattpad?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ