Lazer Tag

736 14 5

Ships: Prinxiety

Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff and uh... more fluff

"Why do I have to be involved in this pointless activty? It makes no sense." Logan groaned as he reached for one of the many lazer guns on the wall. The logical trait looked over at Roman looking for an answer.

"Because, its Friday, Thomas is out and we havnt done anything like this for a while!" He smiled as him and Virgil reached for the same pack. Virgil noticed this and retreated his hand before it made contact with Roman's. Roman slightly frowned, but went back into his smile as Virgil grabbed another one that was the oppisote colour of his.

Patton thae ran in front of Virgil and smiles happily. "Kiddo, kiddo, we're on the same team!" Virgil couldnt help but smile slightly at Patton's childishness. Logan raised his eyebrow, looking at Roman who simply shrugged.

"Well then, lets just get this nonsense over and done with. Doctor Who is on tonight and I do not want to miss it for this sh-"

"Shilly fun activity!" Patton cut in, obviously not comfortable with swearing. Logan was oblivious to this at times, and it caused Patton to cut into a few of his sentences.

"Shilly isnt a word Patton." Logan told him tilting his head. Patton simply smiled and ran into the darkness of the game. Logan sighed and walked in after him, leaving the fantable and anxious trait last.

"Well uh.. after you?" Virgil extended his hand to the door, and Roman smirked walking towards him. Virgil took a step back, causing Roman to pull him closer and whisper in his ear.

"Just watch your back. You never know what could happen~" He then let go of Virgil, winking and running into the game. Virgil stayed frozen to the spot for a good 10 seconds before meekly walking inside, the doors instantly closing behind him.

A loud boom emitted from the speakers causing all four of the sides to jump, before an electronic voice came from the speakers.

"The game starts in 5"

Patton took cover in one of the 'castles' that were provided, and it had allowed him to get a clear veiw of a good majority of the room.


Logan on the other hand, had hidden in one of the cubbies provided, and was closer to the ground.


Virgil ran towards his nearest corner, thankful for the dark clothing he had worn, but immediately cursed the pack that was glowing brightly. It was sure to catch the attention of the others.


Roman had done the opposite of the other sides, already walking around and learning about his surroundings so he could have that small advantage over the others. But his main goal was to find Virgil.

"1. GO!"

All four sides sprung into action. Virgil ran around, trying to find the safest place to hide in this place. He cursed himself for not coming in sooner to find a better hiding spot. He ducked around corners trying to find Patton and get an idea of what to do.

Logan had quickly gotten sore of his hiding place, and decided to jump out. He had caught the attention of Roman though, and he ran after Logan. Though they were on the same team, Roman had forgotten that this wasnt a solo game, and instantly started to shoot Logan.

The logcal side's pack began to flicker and its speaker created a gunshot effect. He groaned in annoyance and turned around spotting Roman with his gun pointed directly towards his pack.

"ITS A TEAM GAME YOU IMBECILE! IM ON YOUR TEAM" Logan shouted, quite rudely actually. Roman couldnt help but laugh, and shrugged at Logan to purposly piss him off, and ran off.

Patton had watched it all happen, placing his hand over his mouth in an effort not to bring attention to himself. He then began to look around again, wondering where his team mate was.

He was still lost.

Virgil mindlessly kept walking around, trying to avoid seeing Logan or Roman. With his task of finding Patton, he was oblivious to Roman sneaking up behind him.

The fantable side quickly pinned him against the wall, covering his mouth to stop the gasp of surprise that had came out of Virgil. Virgil squirmed around trying to get out of Roman's grip, so he could collect the lazer gun that had fell out of his hand. It was no use though as Roman pushed helpself onto the anxious side, earning a small whimper of defeat.

"Gotcha." Roman smirked, using one of his hands to hold Virgils hands above his head, the other letting go of his mouth to kiss him.

The kiss was slow and passionate, with the hint of neediness coming from both sides. Roman carefully licked Virgil's bottom lip, asking for entrence, in which was given. As his tounge explored Virgil's mouth, he pushed the rest of his body on the submissive and started to slowly grind, causing a soft and muffled moan to come out of him.

Roman moved away from Virgils mouth, placing his hand back over it and continued to grind. "Hush now, we dont want the others to hear do we?"

Virgil closed his eyes, causing Roman to stop. A needy whine came from the submissive boy, and he opened his eyes, pleading for Roman to continue. The dominant bot simply smiled, attacking Virgil's neck. Virgil moaned once again, tilting his head slightly. Roman smirked releasing Virgil's hands and moving his own down the submissive's body. Virgil simply allowed his hands to fall to the side shivering at the contact given.

Roman stopped nipping at Virgil's neck, releasing the hand he had over his mouth and grabbed his lazer gun, shooting at Virgil. The sudden gunshot surprised Virgil causing him to jump.

"Oops." Was all that was given. Roman than smirked walking away from the flustered boy, making note to do more later.

Virgil slid down the wall in a bothered mess, grabbing his jacket and wrapping it over his waist to cover his 'situation.'

"...holy shit."


1017 words *^*

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