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Night had washed over the land like a dark blanket. The birds were silenced, the voices in the streets were gradually fading when the clock had long ticked past midnight. Everyone had withdrawn themselves back into their reliable and cozy homes and the lights inside dissapeared to make place for the soft light of the moon enhanced by the million twinkling stars scattered over the dark sky.

Eremiel mansion stood tall under the dark blanket of the night. There was only one weak light on inside. This came from the second floor.

The left side of Jimin's face glistened a soft yellow from the dim light of the lamp placed on his desk as he had his eyes glued to the ceiling, as if he was trying to solve some puzzle and he was working it out on the space above him.

Clothes lied scattered on the cold marmer floor and the golden aligning of the interior of the large room shone softly wherever the light of the moonlight hit through the window.

'What are you thinking about?' Jisoo turned her head to rest on his naked shoulder as she circled the milky skin of his chest with her slender fingers.

'She is quite different, don't you think?' He spoke softly to her but his eyes never left the ceiling.

Her eyebrows furrowed and her palm just lied flat on his chest, stopping the movements 'Who are you talking about?'

'Arisa.' Her name rolled over his tongue so casually, that it almost sounded like he intended to offend the woman he was currently sharing his bed with.

'She's messy, unprofessional, clumsy and let's not forget, vulgar. She's nothing like you and Lisa.'

Jisoo hummed in response, snuggling closer to the blonde 'So what is the point you're trying to make?'

A small smile formed on his lips at the thought of her pouty face whenever he teased her. ' But there's something about her. I know that Joon-hyung and Jin-hyung feel it too.'

The long haired woman rose to lean on her elbow as she narrowed her eyes 'If you're just going to talk about my colleague the rest of the night I might as well leave.'

A small hint of enviousness came through her tone.

Jimin turned his head to look at her, a glint of playfulness in his small eyes that turned into little half moons when he smiled 'A bit jealous, aren't we?'

Her cheeks flustered in embarassment as she lightly hit his shoulder 'Yah, Jimin~ I don't want to talk.'

Climbing on top of her, he let his sinful hands roam around her body

 'Shush kitten, we don't have to talk at all.'


Arisa's been walking around the dark space for hour and hours, she doesn't remember why.

Eventually, she sat down on the ground, covered by some kind of mist.

'You always give up easily, don't you?'

The familiar voice sounded from behind her and she turned around.

Dark grey eyes she knew too well stared at her from underneath black tousled bangs, they were eyes she hoped she would never have to see again.

Dark grey eyes she knew too well stared at her from underneath black tousled bangs, they were eyes she hoped she would never have to see again

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'What are you doing here, Jungkook?'

A smug grin appeared on his well-sculpted face and he licked his pinkish lips a little. Deep inside her, she still missed those lips like poison.

'Same as you. Missing us'

A surprised smile grew along her lips as if she had just heard the most ridiculous thing,

'For the record, you ruined my life. After I left you I have been cleaner and stronger than ever. I picked up the pieces and now I'm rebuilding my life step by step'

'Despite all that, you still miss me. Otherwise you wouldn't be dreaming about me, right darling?' He took a step closer to her with every word he said

'I do not miss you, Jungkook...' Her gaze fell down to the palm of her hands and her voice turned softer 'I just miss the warmth, and comfort you gave me for a while.'

'You know I loved you, I still love you'

'I hate you.' she whispered 'I hate you so much Jeon Jungkook.'

He just smiled as he put his rough hands in the pocket of his black hoodie

'You keep telling yourself that, baby. I can't deny, you do look alot healthier now'

She stayed quiet and just closed her eyes,

'I want you to go away, Jungkook'

'Just open your eyes then, babygirl'

Droplets of sweat trickled down her forehead as she opened her eyes, only to be confronted by the white ceiling, darkened by the night. Arisa rose up from her bed and looked at the alarm beside her which ticked at 2:30 AM.

Letting out a deep sigh she let herself fall onto her bed again, only to feel herself wide awake and unable to let any drowsiness come over her.

Whenever she closed her eyes she saw the face of the man in her dreams. Literally.

They way his dark locks brushed over his dark eyes, his long lashes, the small mole right underneath his pink bottom lip..

Deciding to not waste her time turning around inside her bed and let herself get frustrated in the process she stepped outside the blankets. She pulled on a bathrobe over her pyjama shirt.

Warm feet were touching the cold marmer floor as she tiptoed through the hallway, passing Lisa and Jisoo's room, careful not to make any sound.

Sometimes she misses it. The way he looked when he blew out smoke so casually. The taste of alcohol when his lips where on hers. His sweet but toxic words that made her run straight back into his arms everytime.

Opening the large backdoor to the backyard, she breathed in the moist air of the warm spring night and took deliberate steps following the stone path leading to the side of the mansion.

The moist air felt warm against her exposed legs as she walked.

Everything had seemed so easy with Jungkook. She gave herself to him and he treated her like aprincess. Also, the drugs and alcohol made everything alot easier.

Everything always seems fine when it is easy.

But that's not how it's supposed to be, is it?

Love or life isn't supposed to be easy.

Reaching the side of the mansion, she saw the large pool that was situated in there. The white lights placed on each wall made the water glow a cerulean blue, looking magical in its dark surroundings of the night.

But much to her shock, she saw the silhouette of a man. Back facing her he was standing at the very edge of the pool.


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