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His smile

The ticking sound of the clock penetrated her mind as she lied with her eyes wide open, glued to the ceiling. She hadn't slept after her encounter with Taehyung and the ceiling was already the colour of a soft blue, marking the beginning of dawn.

They hadn't really talked after they came back inside. Somehow Jisoo was also awake at that hour and insisted on taking care of him so she herself could put on some dry clothes aswell.

That's how Taehyung and Arisa quickly parted ways again after their short and unconventional meeting.

One question she still couldn't put to rest.

Why was he out there standing at the edge of the pool yesterday night?

The ringing of her alarm pulling her out of her thoughts she stepped out of bed, her body feeling heavier and more tired than usual.

'Ugh, fuck me.'

Pounding on the marmer floor with her leather boots she already heard a sizzling sound and the clattering of plates in the kitchen, assuming Jisoo and Lisa were already up, as usual. Though as soon as she entered the kitchen, she paused and her eyes widened a bit in surprise.

A tall and broad figure in a pink apron was busy making, which seemed like, scrambled eggs. She eyed him from a distance and moved silently like a ghost, but as soon as she took one step she saw his head move to the side a little,

'Goodmorning Arisa' The older greeted with a beaming smile as he neatly shoved the eggs on a plate.

'Goodmorning.. She tried her best to give him a decent smile, which she found to be quite hard to manage after only a few hours of sleep.

'You seem to really despise your uniform, don't you?' He suddenly asked,

'It is not really my taste'

He let out a chuckle 'I have never been a fan of the uniform myself, it is very inconvenient. Namjoon, on the other hand, enjoys a so-called proper dresscode.'

'Pardon? What did you say about the uniforms??' She asked, her eyes flickering with sudden interest.

Looking in her direction, he eyes her in slight confusement, before slowly repeating,

'The uniforms are inconvenient.' 


Smiling proudly, she couldn't wait to see Jimin's face the moment she would inform him about his hyung's opinion.

'Could you slice up the vegetables I have prepared there, please?' He gestured to the space beside him where a cutting board and a knife were already neatly prepared, as if he was waiting for her to do this task.

Giving her superior a nod, she did as she was told, for the first time, without any questioning like she usually would. Perhaps Jin had that influence on her. Actually, he seemed to have that influence on everyone in the household.

Seokjin seems to be a well-respected man without having to express any kind of superior behaviour. Instead, he earns respect by his kindness, the warmth he radiates and the calmness he presents with his appearance.

Arisa suddenly feels a little sting on her finger while she was cutting the tomato. Raising her index finger, she let out a little hiss, trying her best not to curse at the sight of the growing drop of blood on the tip of her finger.

'Keeping full focus on something is an art after all' Seokjin let out a sigh before covering Arisa's small hand with his large one and gently started dabbing the cut with a paper towel,

Feeling embarassement creeping up on her, she quickly pulled her hand away

'Don't worry, it's nothing'

As she pulled her hand away it was soon grabbed my Seokjin's again only to be pulled closer, and with the strength it expressed, he was not planning on letting her go away.

'The cut is a bit deep, it will get infected if not treated properly. I would be a terrible boss if I wouldn't even take care of my housekeepers, don't you think?'

With those words, he opened up one of the cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit.

She watched him treat her cut with her underlip drawn between her teeth, debating wether she should keep resisting and eventually do it herself or just to let him treat it. She eventually chose the latter, making it alot easier for herself.

'All done!'

She took a look at her index finger, now wrapped up in a clean white bandage.

'Thank you' she mumbled, and just as she was about to continue cutting the vegetables Jin took the knife from her,

'How about I take this over from now? Though I would appreciate it if you could make some toast and prepare the marmalade. The toaster should be on the right temperature by now'

She nodded and delibaretly placed four slices of bread in the oven. As she did, she couldn't help but observe the man quietly. His right hand holding the knife moved swiftly, cutting the vegetables fast but gracefully. He was a skilled cook, something that she actually did not expect at all.

Suddenly, someone entered the kitchen and when Arisa looked up she met ocean blue eyes staring into her hazel brown ones.

'Taehyung? It's rare to see you downstairs in the morning' Jin said from the other side of the kitchen island.

'Well, since you're cooking breakfast today, I thought it might be worth it'

The male that had now entered the kitchen answered, cracking the same beautiful smile as yesterday night.

He looked the same as yesterday, but at the same time so different. He looked fresher, lighter. He was wearing wearing his pyjama's still, but his attire was different from what the others wore. He was wearing baby blue pyjama's with banana-print all over it. Yes. Banana print. Including cute pink wool-like slippers.

His gaze then met hers, making her realize she had probably been staring at him.

'Oh, Arisa' Jin walked over to the younger male and placed a hand on his shoulder 'This is Taehyung. The last member of our household. You can consider yourself lucky if you see him, he doesn't show his face often.'

'You look tired.' Taehyung commented. 

'Same goes to you.' She answered, leaning her back against the kitchen counter as she spoke nonchalantly.

Jin's eyes knitted in a frown 'Wait, you two already met?'

'Yes hyung, we did.'

The younger male smiled as he answered his hyung, but while he did, his gaze never left hers.

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