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March 3rd, 1973
Air-strike kills 100 civilians, 342 injured!

Tanaj: Yesterday, Tanaj was targeted by enemy aircrafts. The main marketplace was bombed, killing possibly more than 100 civilians, and 342 injured. The casualty rate is expected to increase.
According to the government spokesperson, the government is truly trying its best. All security forces are working day and night to restore peace.❞


He did not want to step out of his house, for he was dreading what would meet his eyes. He did not want to see his dear city in pain. He would find who was dead, who was injured. Some he would know, some he would not. He had never been a very social person. But he did have friends who had stuck with him through thick and thin.

And he really, really did not want to find out that they were dead.

It was still early in the morning when the home phone rang. He answered it to find his son on the other end.

"Papa! Are you alright?" he heard his son's frantic voice.

"I'm fine, son," he answered. Although he had talked to his son only a day ago, he felt happy upon hearing his son's voice.

"Oh I was so worried. I just found out when I turned on the television."

"I was visiting your mother when it happened. I saw the marketplace go up in flames. But I don't know about the loss yet. I was too scared to find out..."

"It's okay, Papa. Just.. My God! I'm so glad you're okay." His son's breathing was slightly irregular, "Please. I wish you would join me here."

"Don't start this again. Tell me, how are the kids? Did you guys get there okay?" he changed the topic, not wanting to have that conversation with his son again.

"Yeah. They're well, and I think they will adjust quite well. They'll start school in a few days," he heard his son reply.

"Good, good," he said, "I have to go now. I've got some work, and I have to make some phone calls."

"Okay, Papa" The two men said their goodbyes and ended the call.

He had a bittersweet feeling after talking to his son. It was so hard to say goodbye to him. He would never know when it would be his last. Death did not scare him. But it was leaving his son that made him sad.

Sunlight flooded his kitchen as he fixed himself a light breakfast comprising of a boiled egg and coffee. He ate his breakfast in solitude. All the while, his mind was rapidly working to form his plan.

Soon after breakfast, he worked up the courage to call and check up on people. It was a crazy morning. He would find some of his friends to be perfectly fine, and some to have departed the world. He also got many calls from people asking about him.

One moment he'd be thanking God for keeping his friend safe and the other he'd be shedding tears for another who had died. There was just so much sorrow in the city that day.

In the afternoon, he decided to wipe away his tears and get to work. He started to gather the supplies required to start his project. He wanted to achieve his goal without having to spend a lot money, as he would need it later. Due to the crisis in the country, the prices of even everyday goods were extremely high. Almost everyone was financially struggling. His pension had been reduced to the bare minimum. His son had promised to send some money each month, and although he had protested this proposition, he was glad his son hadn't listened to him. The circumstances had changed and for what he planned on doing, he was now going to need more than just his pension.

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