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March 2nd, 1973
Bombing. 200 civilians dead, 350  injured!

Tanaj: Enemy aircrafts targeted the central residential area in the westlands last night. Innocent people including children were murdered in their sleep. 200 people are reportedly dead, while more than 350 are injured. The casualty rate is expected to increase. Emergency has been declared in all hospitals surrounding the area.
People are advised to cover their widows with black screens at night, and to use minimum electricity after dark.


"If you are going to ask me to leave again, then you are wasting your time, son," he said, pushing the newspaper away from him. His son had been trying to convince him to leave the country for about a month now. He looked at his son defiantly.

"Why are you making this so difficult for me, Papa? Look at the headlines! There are airstrikes happening in our city too now. We could be the next ones to die." His son put his head down on the table and sighed. What was he going to do about his father?

Smiling softy, he leaned across the kitchen table and patted his son on his back.

"Noah. You need to understand. I can't go with you, but I want you to take your family and go. You have your whole life ahead of you." he said, ignoring the look of disapproval his son was giving him, "Your kids haven't even seen the world, they should get an opportunity to live a happy life."

"And you don't? Shouldn't you get to live your retirement in peace?"

"I have already lived. I'd like to spend the little time I have left in my home. I grew up here, I served here, and will die here." His eyes were determined, "Take your wife and kids to safety, but I will not go."

"Aren't you my family too? How will I live without you?"

"We're family and we always will be. But sometimes, we have to do things we don't want to," he told his son, "I have to stay, because I know I won't be able to live anymore if I go. Death is inevitable, and I want to die a happy and content man."

A little girl came running into the kitchen, and threw her arms around her grandfather. "Good morning, grandpa!" she greeted him.

"Good morning, love. Why are you running around in your underwear?" he asked his four year old granddaughter, hugging her back.

Her mother followed her into the room. "Come back here, Elena!" she called her. She was holding a red shirt for her daughter to put on.

In response, the young girl snuggled into her grandfather's chest.

"I think you should go with your mum, baby. Come back when you're dressed." He kissed her on her forehead as she got up to go to her mother.

When the two men were left alone once again, he said, "I want your babies to grow. I want them to see the world and become successful. So please, son. Take them and go."


"Please. I don't want to keep you here. Please go." Realising that there was nothing he could say that would convince his father, the son weakly nodded.

And in just a few days, his son was ready to leave the country along with his wife and two children. He bid them goodbye at the airport. He waved to them until they were out of his sight. His heart felt heavy and tears moistened his eyes, but he was content.

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